Traveling alone can be a lot of fun. But there are some times when you’d rather have a companion with you. Most of us like to travel with family or friends.

So it’s a nuisance of your usual travel companions aren’t as eager as you are to indulge in certain experiences. Your girlfriend doesn’t want to go to the bull-running at Pamplona? None of your friends fancy that camel-trek through the Sahara? You’d love to visit Australia but you know no-one there? You’ll like to rent a car on your trip but you’d love to have a companion to share the cost?

There are hundreds of different scenarios you can imagine when you’d like to have a travel companion but your own pool of family and friends can’t provide someone willing, suitable or available.

So just like the sharing economy has provided us with ways to share our spare rooms (either as a host or guest), our vehicles (as either driver or passenger), even our boats or bikes, then we can now also go online to find a suitable travel companion.

Now if you’ve got a mind like me, one of your first thoughts might be that this could be a little, well, abused. but no, this isn’t the sort of place where dirty old men can find nubile young beach playmates.

The site – GAFFL – (Get A Friend For Life) has security checks and strict privacy regulations. 

This video explains how the service works…




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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