Visiting the UK: How to Fit In

Visiting the UK: How to Fit In

If you’re not from the UK then it’s going to be pretty tricky for you to fit in and understand everything there – even if you’re a native English speaker. (In fact, being a native English speaker can easily be a drawback).My problem in writing...
Guests Charging Cars

Guests Charging Cars

When I started in the hospitality industry, guests who needed to charge their electric cars didn’t exist – electric cars were many years in the future. Gradually though, the USA followed Europe and we saw hybrid cars, then full electric vehicles became...
Racing Circuits – Around the World

Racing Circuits – Around the World

Just a quick informative one… Some people have no idea just how much entertainment there is to be had at racing circuits. There is so much more to racing tracks than the high-profile stuff you’re likely to see on the television.Spectators can watch...
Airbnb: Its Not a Dating App!

Airbnb: Its Not a Dating App!

Of course, it isn’t. You know it isn’t. So why do so many hosts complain and/or comment on their guests’ personalities and little foibles?One of the most frequent is that ‘guests are so entitled these days’. Er, well, for me the fact that...
Can I Take my Dog on the Plane?

Can I Take my Dog on the Plane?

That little dog in the picture is such a little sweetheart. But where were we? Can you take your dog on the plane when you travel? Come to that, can you take your cat?  Your parrot? Your emotional support gerbil? It would be wonderful if there was a simple answer but...
Airbnb: Sorting Out This Co-Host Thing

Airbnb: Sorting Out This Co-Host Thing

Go to any STR forum or questions-and-answers setup, and you’ll find that a common question is regarding co-hosts. When an owner has a property they want to rent out as a short term rental, but for whatever reason they can’t take care of it themselves, they...
Hipcamp: Travel For Today’s World

Hipcamp: Travel For Today’s World

For many of us, the pandemic has made us think very carefully about travel in the future. Yes, there will still be some people who will want go on the sort of trips that they did pre-quarantine, but for others, the thought of being cooped up on a cruise ship or a...
Swiss Castles In The Laundry Room

Swiss Castles In The Laundry Room

Strange title… anyway, Bellinzona is a rather lovely historic town in Switzerland. It’s famous for its three castles, Castelgrande, Montebello and Sasso Corbaro and they are located near to the border with Italy. I was exploring them this morning.Yes, I...
What Is Sitata?

What Is Sitata?

I don’t know about you, but until the early part of 2020 the idea of staying healthy during travels and travel risk management wasn’t something I’d even thought about. Delays such as missing a flight to Paris or finding that train drivers are on...
Explore Nature With All Trails Free App

Explore Nature With All Trails Free App

Whether you’re at home, travelling for business, on a road trip or just having a deserved weekend break, there are many reasons you might want to get out into the countryside and its fresh air. Most of us find being outside is invigorating, yet relaxing at the...
How To Be A Relaxed Host

How To Be A Relaxed Host

If you run a short-term rental business then the chances are that it creates a certain amount of stress. Or it may be that you’re thinking of starting listing on Airbnb or a similar site and you’re wondering how you can minimise the stress of running your...
The Olson House, Maine

The Olson House, Maine

I know what you’re thinking. Well, I don’t of course, but I hope that you’re thinking ‘where have I seen that house before?” Or maybe, “that house looks familiar”. And the chances are good that yes, you have seen it...
Florence Cathedral: The Way Of The Future?

Florence Cathedral: The Way Of The Future?

The creation of the stunning Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore began in 1296. It was finally completed in 1436. Whichever way you look at it, that was a long, long time ago. But when the cathedral reopened to the public after the coronavirus lockdown, they used...
Campendium: Where To Camp in N. America

Campendium: Where To Camp in N. America

Whether you want to head to the hills like the guy in the photograph above or prefer your camping to be in a luxury RV, the vacation starts with deciding where to go. At the time of writing, with a pandemic underway, many people are considering camping in one of its...
Spanish Cuisine: Tortilla de Patatas

Spanish Cuisine: Tortilla de Patatas

At the time I’m writing this, no-one really knows what’s going to happen to the travel industry. Even before this virus confined us all largely to our homes, many people were avoiding flying, for instance, because of concerns for the planet. Will flying...
Yes, You Can Speak French

Yes, You Can Speak French

There are many reasons given as to why Americans don’t like to travel abroad. We know that the excuses such as ‘why go anywhere when we have everything here’ is nonsense. And today, fares to the rest of the world are comparitively cheap so it...
The Original High Fiver – Palette

The Original High Fiver – Palette

A travel product has to be pretty good to amaze me. So often they are a waste of suitcase space or they are something that can easily be adapted from another product or even DIYed at home. But the Palette impresses me. I usually muddle along with those travel-size...
What is YakaMein?

What is YakaMein?

Well, let’s put it this way. Would you rather have a hangover or a bowl of alligator meat and / or other meat with vegetables, noodles, egg and possibly the piquant touch of pigs’ feet? As a vegetarian, I’d much rather cope with the headache, thank...
The Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda Triangle?

Ships and aircraft mysteriously disappearing. Paranormal activity. Unexplained disasters. Extra-terrestrial interferences.You’ve probably heard about all the mysterious events surrounding the Bermuda Triange, a loosely-defined area of the Atlantic ocean with its...
Dubai: Don’t Try To Out-Drive The Cops

Dubai: Don’t Try To Out-Drive The Cops

Dubai is a place of huge contrasts. Ultra-modern and luxurious on the one hand and traditional and peasant-style on the other. So have you ever wondered what the cops would use to chase you if they wanted to pull you over for speeding? You probably haven’t...
Choosing Eco-Friendly Accommodation

Choosing Eco-Friendly Accommodation

We all know that basics of sustainable travel – we know to avoid cruise ships, to choose our travel methods wisely, to avoid places that are being damaged by over-tourism and so on.Using a service such as Airbnb is probably a good idea because you can be sure...
So, How Many Countries Are There In The World?

So, How Many Countries Are There In The World?

Well, do you know?  Of course, we can all name the various countries of Western Europe – and probably quite a good number of African countries. And we know about places like the USA, Australia, China, Russia and so on.But how many of us, when compiling our list,...
Rollogo Suitcase: Brilliant or Daft?

Rollogo Suitcase: Brilliant or Daft?

If I was the proud owner of this suitcase, I’d certainly think it was brilliant. If I saw someone with one, would I think it’s daft or would I be envious enough to want one? The latter, I think. I think that the Rollogo looks a bit silly but that could...
Beignets for Breakfast

Beignets for Breakfast

Yes, there are some wonderfully healthy ways to start the day. A smoothie. A nutritious shake. Or how about  a healthy homemade museli or additive-free granola? (With almond or oat milk, of course).And then on the other hand, there are tasty ways to have...
Should I Travel By Train or Plane?

Should I Travel By Train or Plane?

Of course, it depends very much on where you want to go. In some cases, there’s no option and it has to be air travel. If I want to go from New York to London, there’s no under-the-ocean railway tunnel that’s going to give me a choice. It’s...
How Safe is That Country You’re Visiting?

How Safe is That Country You’re Visiting?

Not long ago I was talking to an American person here in the USA where I live. I haven’t always lived here – I am born, bred and buttered English.This person was going to visit the UK and asked me if the country was safe. I had to chuckle. I’ll...
Hosts: Last Impressions Count Too

Hosts: Last Impressions Count Too

We’ve all heard a million times that first impressions count. And they do, it’s true. But if you’re running a hospitality business, especially in the field of short term rentals, then it’s important to remember that last impressions count a lot...
“The Guest Has No Photo!”

“The Guest Has No Photo!”

I absolutely, completely and utterly hate the fact that I have got to the age when I could preface a sentence with ‘in my day’ so I’m not going to. But nevertheless, I’m getting increasingly impatient with Airbnb hosts who get grumpy because...
You’ll Probably Need To Pack This

You’ll Probably Need To Pack This

I’ve never really cared for using an umbrella, have you? I find them pretty unwieldy and unmanageable. Plus those small telescopic ones – and those are the best for travel – don’t really provide enough coverage. (And I can never get the things...
Visiting the UK: Should I Join English Heritage?

Visiting the UK: Should I Join English Heritage?

The British Isles are so jam-packed with history that you’d need several trips of many weeks to see even a fraction of the items of interest. In fact, you could spend weeks in London and only cover a small number of historic landmarks and sights there. And...
Why Do Sensible People Let Strangers Stay In Their Homes?

Why Do Sensible People Let Strangers Stay In Their Homes?

Don’t expect an answer from me because I simply don’t know. And I’m not going to say ‘perfect stranger’ because strangers are usually less than perfect. But imagine this…You have a prized possession. Let’s say it’s a...
Divided by a Common Language: Tea & Coffee

Divided by a Common Language: Tea & Coffee

Traditionally, stereotypically, the English are supposed to drink nothing but tea and Americans never do – they always drink coffee. Like most stereotypes, this is a load of nonsense. The two drinks can vary a lot in both countries though so it’s a good...
Hosts: Do You Allow Smoking in your Rental?

Hosts: Do You Allow Smoking in your Rental?

Of course you don’t. It’s almost certain that you don’t allow vaping either. I don’t and I’m pretty sure that the hosts who do can be counted on the fingers of one hand. It would be pretty crazy to allow smoking – you’d never...
What Is An Aebleskiver ?

What Is An Aebleskiver ?

An aebleskiver is something you should definitely sample when you’re in Denmark. Well, make that half a dozen as these are delectable.Although they are often eaten at Christmas, they’re also popularly sold at summer fairs and other events so no matter what...
The Tolkien Trail

The Tolkien Trail

A  reader suggested that we create a map for fans of JRR Tolkien for when they are visiting England. So here we are. Many of the places where Tolkien lived, worked or stayed have been honoured with a ‘blue plaque’. These are permanent markers attached to...
Hosts: What Do You Do If Your Guest Cancels?

Hosts: What Do You Do If Your Guest Cancels?

If you run a short term rental, then it’s going to happen one day. Your phone will ping and a message will tell you that guests you had scheduled in your calendar won’t be arriving after all.No big deal – it happens to everyone. But how do you...
How To Get To Anywhere

How To Get To Anywhere

Well, more or less. And on this planet only – I don’t yet know of any service that will help you if your plans are beyond the Planet Earth. But for most of us, Rome2Rio – strange name, I know – is a remarkably helpful website. If you’re...
“Why Do Guests Always…?”

“Why Do Guests Always…?”

If you’re an STR host have you ever found yourself wondering “why do guests always…?”Whatever that ‘always’ thing is will vary from host to host. With some hosts, they find that guests are always arriving well after check-in time...
Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale: Dining App

Riverside Hotel, Fort Lauderdale: Dining App

Just because a hotel is a historic one – and the Riverside Hotel in Fort Lauderdale was founded way back in 1936 – it doesn’t mean that it isn’t bang up to date in many ways. Although the Riverside has plenty of wonderful original features, it...
Divided By A Common Language: Swearing

Divided By A Common Language: Swearing

The internet tells me, with quiet authority, that in the state of Virginia it is illegal to swear in public. Goodness. (Of course, being English, I wasn’t intending to say ‘goodness’ but just in case any Virginians are reading…)It’s...
Airbnb and Skymiles

Airbnb and Skymiles

Just a quick post, this one.But did you know that Airbnb and Delta Airlines have a reciprocal system whereby you can earn air miles on your Airbnb stay? Neither did I until recently which is why I’m letting you know about this.Apparently, this has been in effect...
What’s Included In A Resort Fee?

What’s Included In A Resort Fee?

It’s a practice that has, thank goodness, been declining in the last few years. However, there are still hotels out there (and especially, I have to say in the USA) that charge resort fees to their guests. These fees are usually charged per night, per room and...
Hosts: Are You A Host or a Cop?

Hosts: Are You A Host or a Cop?

And I know that seems like a silly question but increasingly, people who run STR accommodation have come to the conclusion – erroneously – that every guest misdemeanor can be solved by creating a ‘house rule’ about it.You know the sort of...
Divided By A Common Language:  Jaffa Cakes UK

Divided By A Common Language: Jaffa Cakes UK

We have already noted the bizarre language difference between the UK and the USA when it comes to the simple word ‘biscuit’.But if you are from the USA – or indeed any other non-British country – then it’s a good idea for you to know...
Do You Have Toilet Paper In Your Bag?

Do You Have Toilet Paper In Your Bag?

Yes, I know it’s an awkward question. And yes, I know that if you’re from the USA you probably prefer to use the discreet euphemism ‘bathroom tissue’ but you knew exactly what I was talking about. Strangely, a surprising number of people...
Hosts: A Few Reasons Why Your Guests Might Have Travel Delays

Hosts: A Few Reasons Why Your Guests Might Have Travel Delays

If you’re running an STR business I can understand why you want to know what time your guests are going to arrive. I really do. It helps you to plan your day efficiently.The problem is that we’d all like to plan our days efficiently but we’re dealing...
That Delightful Plane Carpet … Ew

That Delightful Plane Carpet … Ew

There used to be a time – long ago admittedly – when I’d sink gratefully into my aircraft seat as soon as I could after boarding. Then, once I’d stowed my handbag on the floor under the seat in front of me, I’d relax. That meant removing...
What Is Occitan?

What Is Occitan?

When you’re travelling in the Mediterranean area, it may be that you have a good – or reasonably good – grasp of the languages you hear. Travelling through the South of France, into Monaco, over to northern Italy … those languages you hear are...
Willy Lott’s Cottage, Suffolk, UK

Willy Lott’s Cottage, Suffolk, UK

William Lott was born in this house in 1761. The house was owned by his parents and his siblings were all born in the house too. William lived in the house until his death in 1849. Not only had he lived there all his life, it’s thought that he’d only been...
RVShare: Airbnb For Road Trips

RVShare: Airbnb For Road Trips

Although I tend to favour luxury hotels whenever possible, I have to admit that I also have a fondness for the convenience – and fun – of camping. But I’ve grown out of the peeing-in-a-bush thing and although I love the freedom, I rather like to have...
What Is An Arbroath Smokie?

What Is An Arbroath Smokie?

You probably guessed from the photograph above… The people of the British Isles are great fishermen and fish-eaters. At one time, before curry became our favourite, and hence our national food, fish & chips was the most commonly eaten meal in the UK. Times...
GAFFL: The Latest From The Sharing Economy

GAFFL: The Latest From The Sharing Economy

Traveling alone can be a lot of fun. But there are some times when you’d rather have a companion with you. Most of us like to travel with family or friends.So it’s a nuisance of your usual travel companions aren’t as eager as you are to indulge in...
Sweden on Airbnb: What is Allemansrätten?

Sweden on Airbnb: What is Allemansrätten?

What on earth is allemansrätten? It’s something that attracts visitors to Scandinavia from all over the world. It’s a principle that Sweden is proud of – as well as other Scandinavian countries and one or two in Europe too. It is ‘freedom to...
Divided By A Common Language: Biscuits

Divided By A Common Language: Biscuits

A bit of a minefield, this one. If you’re from the UK, you know exactly what a biscuit is. And if you’re from the USA you know exactly what a biscuit is. And yet the two products are totally dissimilar. Sometimes, you’ll read or hear that a UK...
Visiting the USA: Safety in the City

Visiting the USA: Safety in the City

There are plenty of statistics on the internet that tell us – accurately – whether a city in the USA is a safe place to stay or visit. The trouble is that most cities have areas that are wonderfully safe and absolutely splendid places for the visitor to...
Don’t Miss Eating Salade Niçoise In Nice

Don’t Miss Eating Salade Niçoise In Nice

For me, I don’t know about you, one of the pleasures of travelling is eating authentic food it the location of its origin. I’m sure that you’ve found too that a Pizza Napoletana in Naples is nothing like the one from your local pizza place. Just one...
Airbnb Guests: How To Use Lists To Choose Your Rental

Airbnb Guests: How To Use Lists To Choose Your Rental

Choosing where you’re going to stay on your trip isn’t something that should be left to chance. The accommodation you choose can make or break your vacation. More and more people are using Airbnb (and similar sites) to make their accommodation plans and...
Divided By A Common Language: Eggs For Breakfast

Divided By A Common Language: Eggs For Breakfast

So, the guests had just left our Airbnb rental and I went in to check the place. I like to do this as soon as the guests have gone for several reasons. One of them, and probably the least sensible, is to check the fridge to see if they’ve left any goodies. And...
Showers – Simple Enough Surely?

Showers – Simple Enough Surely?

You’d think so wouldn’t you? A shower is a shower is a shower, right? When you’re travelling the world, no. The trouble is, that like loos and food and driving, every country tends to think it’s got it right. Let’s take the USA as an...
Airbnb Guests: Is Your Booking Legit?

Airbnb Guests: Is Your Booking Legit?

At time of writing there are over two million properties listed on Airbnb. So it’s safe to assume that a lot of people stayed in Airbnb rentals last night, will tonight and will tomorrow night. And I suspect that 99.99% of them had a trouble-free and wonderful...
Divided by a Common Language: Telling the Time

Divided by a Common Language: Telling the Time

I’m trying to remember when I last wore a watch. An old-fashioned analogue two-hands-and-a-dial watch like the one above. I remember that I’d just arrived at a gite in France (I’m thinking it was in the mid nineteen eighties) and removing the watch...
Luggage Covers: Yes or No?

Luggage Covers: Yes or No?

Luggage covers are, for the most part, pretty revolting design-wise unless you get a plain colour or a transparent cover. But are they a good idea? They are easy to put onto your suitcase and simple to remove and launder. Plus they do keep your expensive suitcases...
Visiting Spain: What Is Sobremesa?

Visiting Spain: What Is Sobremesa?

Recently, we’ve discussed the Swedish fika and the English custom of afternoon tea so it’s interesting to see what other countries have as afternoon traditions. What about the Spanish? When you’re visiting Spain will you find an afternoon tradition...
Why To Avoid The Aisle Seat

Why To Avoid The Aisle Seat

Did you know that the aisle seat on an aircraft can be one of the most germ-ridden places on the plane? It makes sense when you think about it. Bear in mind that the airline cleaning crew only have the time to straighten up the plane interior when they are getting it...
Divided By A Common Language: Buck’s Fizz or Mimosa?

Divided By A Common Language: Buck’s Fizz or Mimosa?

Quite a simple one, this. Popular to drink at leisurely breakfasts and brunches is the delicious Buck’s Fizz. Or is it Mimosa? Are they the same thing? Both are a mixture of orange juice (preferably freshly-squeezed) and champagne. And the chances are that if...
Using a Public Toilet – Oh Dear…

Using a Public Toilet – Oh Dear…

Seriously, one of the worst things about travelling is using public loos. I mean it. When you spend so much of your year using your own private and personal facilities, those loos on planes, trains, in restaurants, truck-stops, public parks – and the list goes...
Visiting Sweden: What is Fika?

Visiting Sweden: What is Fika?

In 1935, there was a hit song that had been featured in a film. The song was considered to be terribly English and was performed by British actor (actually Scottish), Jack Buchanan. The title of the song was ‘Everything Stops For Tea’. Of course,...
A Cruise For Everyone

A Cruise For Everyone

With an increase in people taking cruises each year, it’s obvious why over 25 million people choose this form of vacation. It combines the best of everything, including beautiful views, boating, entertainment, and travel within your own country or further afield. A...
Why Are People in Denmark So Happy?

Why Are People in Denmark So Happy?

Have you ever read the page about Denmark on Wikipedia? You probably know that Denmark is consistently at the top of the charts as a great place to live – the people seem to be so happy. But why? First, let’s see what Wikipedia has to say: Denmark is...
Packing the Kitchen Sink?

Packing the Kitchen Sink?

It’s one of those old idioms that’s been around since the early 1900s – the one about packing the kitchen sink. “Your mother wants to pack everything – I’m surprised she doesn’t pack the kitchen sink” “Wow, your...
Divided by a Common Language: In The Home

Divided by a Common Language: In The Home

Once again, the differences between English and American can catch us out when we’re looking for accommodation. Imagine an American looking at a listing that begins ‘First floor flat…’ We have a language difference right there – in just...
When Stephen King Travels…

When Stephen King Travels…

Do you agree with me that Stephen King must have a pretty weird imagination? I think he must have to ensure his many years of great success writing those really creepy (but deliciously creepy) books. But what is Stephen King himself afraid of? In an article a couple...
Divided By A Common Language: Numbers

Divided By A Common Language: Numbers

Numbers? What am I talking about? Five is five whether you’re speaking proper English or speaking American..  but of course, that would be just too easy, wouldn’t it? Yes, the numbers are the same – basically – but it’s how we use them...
Weird English Food. Spotted Dick – Really?

Weird English Food. Spotted Dick – Really?

It makes me chuckle. Probably most English people have a bit of a laugh about it too. There are so many articles on the internet that refer to our ‘weird English food’ and cites such items as spotted dick, toad-in-the-hole and other peculiarly-named...
Visiting the USA; Going to the Loo

Visiting the USA; Going to the Loo

It’s a culture shock when you visit the USA. So many things are so different. And if your knowledge of the English language is, well, English, then American is going to puzzle you quite a lot. Picture me then, new to the USA and in a large store somewhere in the...
Visiting India: What is a Stepwell?

Visiting India: What is a Stepwell?

Stepwells are absolutely astounding. Many date back hundreds of years are were often created as low-lying water supplies. Because water levels in streams and rivers could fluctuate with the seasons, the answer was these elaborate reservoirs or water tanks which were...
Stay Warm with Ororo Heated Apparel

Stay Warm with Ororo Heated Apparel

I prefer to think that I’m a really easy going person. But there are some things that I don’t like at all – pigeons, the word ‘awesome’, broccoli, cleaning toilets and … being cold. I really hate that. It’s why I live in...
Pianos at St Pancras

Pianos at St Pancras

Millions of passengers travel through St Pancras Station in London every year. With trains going to Europe (Paris, Amsterdam, Rotterdam… via the Channel Tunnel), connections going to various parts of the UK – with all that train activity going on people...
Eco-Friendly Travel Bag Made In India

Eco-Friendly Travel Bag Made In India

There was a time when it was leather all the way for me when it came to luggage. Foolish, I know. But the light did dawn, I’m glad to say and now I love to find products that are hand-created from recycled goods. This is particularly the case when fabulous...
Explore With Geocaching

Explore With Geocaching

Okay, so Google tells me that there are still people who play Pokemon Go but there are still millions of us who prefer Geocaching. And as Pokemon gradually fades, many new people are being attracted to the original ‘hide and seek’ games of this century. If...
Visiting the USA: Eating Healthily

Visiting the USA: Eating Healthily

If you’re visiting the USA from overseas, you’ve probably already wondered about food. Can you eat healthily in the USA? You’ve read about the meat and poultry industries and their practices, you are aware that the United States has an extremely high...
The Great British Bandstand

The Great British Bandstand

Seaside piers, bathing huts, bandstands, floral clocks in parks … they all sum up English days gone by to me. I’m thinking Edwardian or possibly before. Or even later – the years between the world wars.When England was booming on the world’s...
Handmade in Ireland

Handmade in Ireland

Maybe you’ve been to Ireland and regretted not bringing more of their lovely products and gifts back home? Or perhaps it’s at the top of your list –  a visit to Ireland as soon as you can. Here’s the answer. If you didn’t bring home the...
Airbnb Hosting: It’s Not A Power Struggle

Airbnb Hosting: It’s Not A Power Struggle

You’d think it was sometimes. A power struggle, that is. A relationship between host and guest is supposed to be symbiotic. If it’s little early in the morning for you to understand such words, here’s the definition. A symbiotic relationship is: a...
Hosts: Words To Avoid In Your Listing

Hosts: Words To Avoid In Your Listing

Writing your listing blurb for Airbnb or other accommodation platforms can be tricky. After all, you’re in the hospitality industry, you’re not a copywriter. The good news is that online, it’s much better to underpromise and overdeliver, rather than...
Visiting Germany: Is The Tap Water Okay To Drink?

Visiting Germany: Is The Tap Water Okay To Drink?

If you’re heading to Germany and wondering about the quality of the tap water then I have good news for you. Germany has one of the best quality water supplies in the world. Water is something that the German authorities take incredibly seriously. You’ll...
What Do The Best Vacation Rentals Have In Common?

What Do The Best Vacation Rentals Have In Common?

The insurance people, Geiko, have recently launched a video entitled The Best Airbnbs Have These Things in Common. So I thought that I’d enumerate them and see how our own listings (here in fabulous Fort Lauderdale) compare. We have two – both are in a...
How To Contact Airbnb

How To Contact Airbnb

Host or guest, enter the Airbnb numbers into your phone now. You’ll find them by using the button below. HOW TO CONTACT AIRBNB Airbnb has grown enormously – worldwide – since the service started in 2008. To be honest, I suspect that even the founders...
The Beach Hut Bandwagon

The Beach Hut Bandwagon

Although shelters and huts can be found on beaches throughout the world, the beach hut remains an icon of the British seaside. In some British beach locations, they have evolved from fishermen’s huts or even from bathing machines – that nineteenth century...
Don’t Be Insulted By Airbnb’s Price Tips

Don’t Be Insulted By Airbnb’s Price Tips

Yes, if you host on Airbnb, the company is going to send you ‘price tips’. And so many hosts are insulted by these… ‘My nightly rate is $150 per night and Airbnb tells me to reduce it to one-third of that – how dare they?’ Well...
The Sunrise Izumo

The Sunrise Izumo

I’m seriously in love with travelling on sleeping-car trains. And the Sunrise Izumo can take you almost 600 miles across Japan. It’s an excellent way to travel and the sleeping facilities are excellent. We’ll talk about the cabins in a minute but...
Air Travel: The William Shatner Triangle

Air Travel: The William Shatner Triangle

So, I’ve read about this. The William Shatner triangle. Every aircraft has them, or so its said. I invariably forget to look. I get stuck in to my book or a film and I forget all about looking for the thing. Can you look for me next time you fly? I’d...
SUP PuP Paddleboard in Fort Lauderdale

SUP PuP Paddleboard in Fort Lauderdale

Right. Imagine this. You awake in your delightful apartment that’s right on the canal in Fort Lauderdale. Take your freshly-brewed coffee onto the pleasant dock to watch the sun rise (if it’s early enough) or the leisurely water traffic sail by. When...
Short Term Rentals: Host or Landlord?

Short Term Rentals: Host or Landlord?

When you’re booking accommodation, do you want to stay with a host or a landlord? If you offer accommodation to others at your property, do you consider yourself a landlord or a host? What’s the difference? Let’s see what the dictionary has to say....
Visiting London: Regency Cafe

Visiting London: Regency Cafe

As the man in the video says ‘these are proper English chips – none of yer poncey French fries’. The super-stylish frontage – those wonderful tiles and that fabulous font! – could be the work of a modern architect but it is original to...
Hosts: How To Discourage Kitchen Use

Hosts: How To Discourage Kitchen Use

Some hosts have guests staying with them in their own homes – and allow the guests to use the family kitchen. Some hosts rent apartments, suites or entire homes that, naturally, also feature kitchens. In both cases, it can be helpful to the host to...
Visiting Germany: Kaffee und Kuchen

Visiting Germany: Kaffee und Kuchen

I’m all for healthy eating. (Most of the time). But when you’re travelling, what a great opportunity you have to sample the cuisine of other cultures. And anyway, there ought to be a rule that calories outside of your own country just don’t...
Hosts: Do You Use A Black Light?

Hosts: Do You Use A Black Light?

Bodily fluids. Yep, if you’re an Airbnb or short-term rental host, boldly fluids are something that you’re only too familiar with. So here’s an article on that very subject. Not something we all particularly want to discuss but a large part of our...
The Clink Restaurant, London

The Clink Restaurant, London

At the Clink Restaurant in London, you can combine fine dining with the experience of visiting a genuine working prison. There are four Clink Restaurants in the UK, run by the Clink Charity, and in every one meals are created and served by prisoners who are studying...
Hosts: What Will You Do If You Get A Bad Review?

Hosts: What Will You Do If You Get A Bad Review?

Oh my goodness. What a lot of palaver there is online from Airbnb (and other platforms) hosts who ‘fear’ getting a bad review. You’d think that these were medieval days and a bad review means that you’re going to be hanged, drawn and quartered....
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