Have you thought about being an Airbnb host? I highly recommend it and it’s a great way to make some extra money. But have you got what it takes?

It sounds easy, doesn’t it? It’s fun too – you’ll get to meet people from all over the world and from all walks of life. Just about anyone can host. But is it right for you? Below, you’ll read about the qualities you need to make the most of your hosting opportunity.


Hosting can be hard work. You have to keep your property, the garden, the pool if applicable, the driveway – everywhere your guest will see – in tip top condition.  This can take time and energy. (You can, of course, employ people but this takes a large chunk of your profit). I like to do it myself though – I see it as a workout 🙂

You’ll also spend time using the app or your laptop to chat with guests prior to their stay. You’ll find that some of your guests, when they are staying with you, will need your attention from time to time. Others you’ll hardly see so it’s swings and roundabouts but be prepared for the occasional needy guest.


As a host, you are part salesperson. And selling is simply the transmission of enthusiasm. If you enthuse about your area and the accommodation you offer, then your guests will too. Be willing and happy to share with them the knowledge about your listing and your area.

Look forward to meeting your guests. If you’re doing the preparation for your guests, then keeping an enthusiastic attitude will diminish any feelings of annoyance at the hard work you have to do.


Having guests can be fantastic but it’s important for hosts to realise that they are human 🙂 and everyone is different. Stuff happens. For example, when you first create your Airbnb listing, you can specify your check in and check out times. But remember, that travel delays can mean that your guests can be late to check in.

I’ve known many hosts complain that guests don’t arrive at check in time and often, it’s something that’s beyond the guest’s control. It’s wonderful when guests do exactly what you want them to but don’t be surprised when they don’t. Hosts complain, for example, that guests leave the AC on, or shower too often or similar but you need to be flexible in what you expect.


You don’t have to be a wonderfully outgoing people-person to be a good host but enjoying pleasing people and helping them enjoy their stay are useful traits to have for an Airbnb host.

You’ll find that some guests are chatty and others want to be left alone – it balances out in the end. You’ll soon be able to tell which category your guests fall into. But remember, that although Airbnb promotes itself by showing images of friendly hosts and guests dining together and so on, there’s no need for you to offer anything more than common courtesy and have a willingness to answer guests’ questions.


99% of the time guests are trouble-free. But unless you want to feel stressed out, occasionally it might be necessary for you to be firm with your guests. If they are repeatedly acting in a way that bothers you or, for example, have not left your property by check out time, then you’ll simply have to be firm in a pleasant yet positive way.





JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.


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