The village of Kampung Pelangi is a small village in Central Java, Indonesia. And they had a problem. They needed to come up with a way to attract more tourists to the area. You can see the solution above – the village was transformed. As you can imagine, this was an excellent twenty-first-century move as the place became immediately popular on Instagram.

The government assigned approximately $20,000 to brighten up the village and make it into something that can now be regarded as a true spectacle. The original name of the village was  Kampung Wonosari – the new name translates directly to Rainbow Village.

More than 200 houses in the village were painted in stripes, spots, rainbows and there are also murals and other artworks. See more from Instagram below:

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Where is Kampung Pelangi: The Rainbow Village?

Kampung Pelangi, Indonesia




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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