Here at TRAQUO, we’re firm believers in packing light. And another pet peeve is the whole idea of ‘living out of a suitcase’. This is why we’re delighted to have found this great solution.

If I’m travelling and staying in my accommodation for just a short period of time, I never unpack.  It’s just not worth the time. And the packing product I’m going to show you makes packing (and unpacking) so easy. What I’m talking about here is the Rise Gear system.

With the Rise Gear bag, you simply unfold the back, hang it up in your hotel or rental and that’s it – you’ve unpacked. I know that sounds a little crazy so this video can explain it much better than I can.

See what I mean? When you’re packing at home, simply hang the bag in your closet, over a door or on the back of a chair. Load it with your clothing, shoes and so on. You’ve packed!

Then, when you arrive at your hotel just hang the bag in the closet or, if one isn’t available, onto the shower rail. Then every time you need to get a clean t-shirt, pair of jeans, your flipflops or underwear, there’s no need to rummage in your bag. Everything is neatly displayed on the collapsible shelves. And if you’re camping, you can even hang it from the branch of a tree 🙂


When the time comes to move on to your next destination, you can ‘pack’ in under a minute. These are available on Amazon.


There are various sizes available and you can even purchase just the inserts to go into your own existing suitcase.


A great way to make the most of this if you travel often is to keep an insert permanently packed with the clothes you’ll need. For example, if you often travel for business, keep the basics already packed in an insert. Then you just need to add a few items and you’re good to go.

If you visit your friend in Florida regularly, keep an insert packed with your bikini, beach cover-up, shorts and t-shirts.

See the Amazon links below to see more of the Rise Gear range.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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