Today there are only a handful of people in the world who know the secret of making su filindeu – Sardinia’s secret pasta. This pasta has traditionally been made for a local religious festival and the recipe has been handed down within the same family for three hundred years.

But the knowledge might be lost. The few exponents of the art have found that no other members of the family are showing an interest in learning this complex culinary feat.

And complex it is. Even British chef Jamie Oliver, who spent several training hours with Paola – the only one of the women who currently makes the pasta – decided to throw in the towel. The process was just too complicated. Scroll down to see  the video.

Recently though, Paola has started to supply a few restaurants in the Nuoro municipality and evidently people are travelling form all over Europe – and even further afield – to eat Sardinia’s secret pasta. But for how long?

Do you think you might have better luck than Jamie Oliver? See the video below which shows another member of Paola’s family making this rare and endangered gourmet pasta.

Here are two of the local restaurants that serve Paola’s pasta.

Al Ciusa & Il Refugio

If you’re in Europe, it’s worth the journey. Who knows, you might not get another chance!

Nuoro, Sardinia




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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