Have we lost the habit of conversation? It really wouldn’t surprise me if we have. After all, today we are more accustomed to our conversations and interactions with others being by text, email, Snapchat, What’s App, Instagram…

And for the older generation, our interaction with others is more likely to take place on Facebook or Google+.

Let’s take my two lovely nieces who live about thirty miles from me. I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw them in the flesh. I vaguely remember talking to the younger one on the phone a few years ago for a couple of minutes. But I always know what they are up to because of social media and texting.

We have all become accustomed to ‘speaking’ with others via our various screens.

When we are Airbnb hosts, we’re also accustomed to speaking to our guests remotely. The first contact we have is via the Airbnb message platform and, even though we might have quite lengthy conversations there with our guests, it seems that many hosts prefer not to interact in a face-to-face way.

Yet the truth is that the host/guest relationship can be so much easier when we’re talking face-to-face. No matter how many emojis we use when we’re texting or messaging, it’s still difficult for others to properly evaluate our ‘tone of voice’.

Often, I hear about a host who is having problems with a guest. Or sometimes vice versa. Nine times out of ten, probably even more often, the ‘problem’ could be easily resolved by a face-to-face chat. Amicable. Done.

Of course, this doesn’t apply to hosts who are miles away (often in another country altogether) but anyone who is in business, which is what an Airbnb host is, should have a manager, co-host or similar in situ to help with situations that may arise. Face-to-face.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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