Do you have a rental property? If so the chances are that you advertise it by using Homeaway, Airbnb or one of the similar sites that list short term rentals. You might also have your own website. But how can you go above and beyond to promote the accommodation you offer?

A few years ago, there was a huge buzz about something called ‘content marketing’. You don’t hear the phrase as much these days but the principles still apply. Getting details about your rental out there on the internet is as important as ever.

Even though you list your place on various sites, the fact remains that you are one of millions – or more. The last time I checked, there were over 2 million rentals listed on Airbnb – how can you compete? Short but informative articles about your listing or local area are a great place to start and easy to do.

These days, more people are travelling than ever before. Airlines offer great deals. Accommodation is no longer restricted to expensive, faceless hotels. Travellers are wanting experiences and every minute of the day, they are searching the internet for things to do, places to see, where to eat – in your area.

As a long-time provider of short stay rental accommodation I know for sure that travellers and tourists invariably research their upcoming destination on the internet. And writing short and informative articles can help you to ensure that your rental is fully booked.


Looking at the statistics of my various sites, I estimate that at least 70% of today’s internet users are using their phones or tablets. This means that they want short and sharp information – long articles are so 2005! Articles of 300 words – or even fewer – are easy to write. Here are some ideas:

  • Where to eat in [your city]
  • Insider secrets when you’re visiting [your location]
  • Where the locals go in [your city]
  • Top music venues in [your city]
  • Five sights you must see in [your area]
  • Places to picnic [plus where to buy picnic foods]
  • Live like a local in [your location]
  • Best places for brunch in [your neighbourhood]
  • Romantic restaurants in [your city]
  • Great photo opportunities in [your city]
  • Five things no-one knows about [your area]
  • Where to watch sports in [your city]
  • Unusual places to visit in [your location]
  • The best bars in [your location]
  • Five weird historical facts [about your city]
  • Best locations for artists [locally]
  • Eating gluten-free [in your area]
  • Places you can take your dog in [your city]
  • Cultural experiences [in your location]
  • Getting around & best transport options in [location]
  • Where to stay when you’re visiting [local festival or event]
  • Best beaches [locally]
  • Top galleries and museums to visit in [your city]
  • Five things you must not miss [in your location]
  • Budget dining options in [your locality]

I could go on — but you get the idea. Note that the title should contain the name of your city or location. You can also tailor your articles to particular times of year and promote them when the time is right. For example:

  • The best brunch for Mother’s Day [in your town]
  • What to do at Easter [locally]
  • The best places to buy gifts in [your city]
  • Valentine’s Day in [your city]
  • Best things to do with dad [locally]
  • Spooky sights and tours [in your city]


For example, if your rental is exceptional value, an article about budget eating options locally is a great idea. If you accept dogs, then write about dog friendly restaurants. If you advertise your rental as being ideal for families, an article (or series of articles) about family activities is just right.

Focus even further by considering what your guests do when they are with you. For instance, if your rental is in Miami write about your favourite Art Deco hotels.  If you’re close to the beach then you can write one or more articles containing tips and hints for beach days.

Remember that these articles have another function too. If a guest asks you for information about any of the things you’ve written about simply direct them to the article you wrote. The fact that you have articles online shows your guests that you are a serious professional host with published articles – a true ‘live like a local’ specialist!


If you have your own site or blog, then publish them there, If you don’t (or have a low hit rate) them we’re happy to publish them on this site or our sister site, JAQUO. Why publish them here rather than your own site? Well, apart from the fact that both sites are long-established magazine sites with good hit rates, these articles enhance your reputation.

All your articles can link through to your own rental site or the site you are using, such as Airbnb. If the site provides an embed code, even better. You can also have your details below every article – scroll down to see my own. Remember too that we promote all new articles to various social media.

Get in touch with me if you’d like further information about writing for TRAQUO or JAQUO.






JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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