It’s exciting getting ready to go on a trip, the vacation itself is a thrill … and getting back home can be such a letdown, can’t it? The fun is over and now you have to get ready to get back to your everyday life. But coming home needn’t be that bad if you take a few precautions before you leave.

Oh come on, with all the packing and getting visas and paperwork ready, do we really have the time for that? I promise you, a couple of hours getting your place prepped before you leave home will be well worth it. You truly will thank yourself.

Yes, some of these things are boring to do but won’t take long and they will make your homecoming so much more pleasant.


I know, you don’t want to spend your last few hours before your vacation cleaning. But it’s truly horrible to come back to a stinky house because you forgot to take out the garbage before you left. Other things to do are:

  • Pour a little bleach into every sink drain and loo – and the waste disposer too if you have one
  • You’ve remembered the garbage but don’t forget to take out the recycling too
  • If you have a litter box for your cat, that could get very unpleasant if you forget…
  • Make the bed
  • Throw out any food that’s in the fridge that might go bad
  • Make sure that there are no dirty dishes anywhere in the house
  • If you have a full laundry basket and no time to do a full wash and dry, at least store the stinkies in an airtight box or a plastic bag
  • If you have a dishwasher make sure that there are no scraps of food hiding in the filter

And if you have time, here are another couple of things that will make your homecoming much happier:

  • Have bottled water in your fridge – cold and ready to drink the moment you stagger in with your suitcases. Even better, have a bottle of champagne or white wine already chilled and waiting for you
  • Although it’s a good idea to make your bed before you leave, it’s even better to make it with fresh, clean linens – even new ones if you have them.  Many returning travellers say that they are looking forward to sleeping in their own bed but new or completely fresh linens make it completely luxurious
  • Before you leave, make sure that you have all the necessities you’ll need when you get home. If you’re tired and jet-lagged, the last thing you want to do is haul yourself to the convenience store because you’re out of toilet paper….
  • To me, the best tip is to make sure that you’re going to enjoy a delicious meal when you arrive home, especially if you are arriving in the evening or late afternoon. One answer is to leave your favourite frozen meals in the freezer (splash out on something gourmet!) but if simply switching on the oven might be too much like hard work after a long journey, then be sure to leave enough money and the menu to your favourite delivery place right on the dining table. And don’t forget to be sure to leave the money before you go – you don’t want to be desperate for your favourite delivery gourmet pizza only to find that you only have drachmas, francs or zlotis!

If this seems like too much work, then before you go picture yourself coming back home after your trip. Your house is fresh and clean. You can enjoy a lovely work-free gourmet meal while sipping a glass of chilled champagne before slipping into a wonderful clean bed. Just perfect.






JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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