A plane journey doesn’t always offer the best possible experience. And there are two particular aspects that bother me about the flight itself. They are:

  1. The hygiene
  2. The tiny seat space

Aeroplane hygiene never used to bother me but like many other people, I’ve read some pretty gross things on the internet. At one time, it never occurred to me that tray tables or seat-back pockets were anything other than spotlessly clean – naive of me, I know.

And I used to be the person who took a pretty large tote or handbag on the plane (especially on long-haul flights) then had to retrieve from under the seat in front every time I needed something – and then rummage around, often unsuccessfully. That’s no good at all if you urgently need a tissue or a pen to fill out a visa waiver.

Tania Rodrigues had the same concerns so she developed TAB – bags that keep all your in-flight necessities perfectly organised and close-to-hand and avoids your belongings coming into contact with any gross surfaces that have been touched by loads of previous passengers.

As you can see, the two versions differ quite significantly price-wise. It probably won’t surprise you that I prefer the more expensive version (typical me) but that’s for a very good reason.

The two versions seen above are geared towards different lifestyles. My personal preference? The more structured more expensive version is more suitable for me because I can use it in my day-to-day life, not just for travelling. It’s smart enough and roomy enough to be used as a businesslike briefcase.

But it does come into its own during travel. And of course, it’s not just for the plane. It’s just as useful if you’re travelling by rail or by road.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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