Google is the latest organisation to leap onto the bandwagon of travel apps. And why not? Recent studies have shown that travel is a booming industry and let’s face it, if you use their other services such as Gmail or Google Maps, it’s likely that they know a great deal about you, where you go and what your travel plans are.

Does this mean that it will usurp all the other travels apps that are out there? It’s likely but remains to be seen as the app was launched in the middle of September 2016 so at time of writing, I haven’t explored it thoroughly.

However, it does seem that the app – which is free by the way – can help you with many aspects of travel and as it uses crowdsourced information the app will develop further as time does by. Yes, if you find a fantastic place that is not listed, then add it yourself.

You can see from the screenshot below the type of information you can expect.

Once the app has your data – for example, where you are travelling and when – it will suggest sights for you to see and places you can visit within the time frame you have available.

All the venues that are shown on the app feature full details, plus contact info, as the screenshot below shows.

The app is already packed with useful information about the area in which you’re travelling including essentials such as currency, emergency and medical information, places to eat, suggested day trips and so on.

Because the app is free, especially because the app is free – I’d recommend that you download it and give it a test drive 🙂




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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