As I write this, the world is starting to open up again after most countries imposed lockdowns on their citizens. But who knows how long it will be, if ever, that we feel comfortable enough to take long haul flights?

If you’d been planning an internship overseas, your plans have more than likely been scuppered.

But did you know that you can work as an intern online for companies in other countries? At the moment, World Unite is offering online internships enabling you to gain valuable work experience in countries such as Japan, India, South Africa, Tanzania and more. For example, how about interning in the Rehabilitation Of Wildlife in the Amazonian Rainforest? All online.

Or at the other end of the scale, an architecture internship in Mumbai. There’s a range of online internships available – and any one of them would look great on your resume.

See the short video below for a quick introduction.


The organisation, World Unite, provides internships, volunteer opportunities, working holidays, educational travel and more. (Of course, internships in person are also available should you feel that travelling is okay for you).

Online internships are a great opportunity for people to experience working in the field of their choice plus to work on real projects in countries with different cultures.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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