Local authorities and tourism organisations are having to serious;y rethink about the people whose entertainment and leisure they are responsible for.

So on July 18th, 2020, in the midst of the COVID epidemic, the city of Paris held its first Le Cinéma Sur L’eau.

Thirty-eight small electric boats on the Seine were set apart at suitably social-distances. The boasts varied in sizes and each boat could hold up to 2, 4 or 6 people; members of the same household, of course.

It was billed as “the first eco-responsible floating cinema”

In addition, 150 deck-chairs (yes, good old-fashioned deck chairs) were set up on the riverbank opposite the screen so that others could enjoy the movie too. These too were socially-distanced of course.

These showings will continue through the summer and other pandemic-friendly events are planned by the city.

Other local tourism event planners take note.

Le cinéma sur l'eau de Paris Plages, photos & vidéo

Pour l'ouverture de Paris Plages 2020, le bassin de la Villette, dans le 19e, a accueilli pour la toute première fois un cinéma sur l'eau. Une grande première qui a eu lieu ce samedi 18 juillet à 19h. Les quelques chanceux tirés au sort ont pu assister à la projection de : 'Le Grand Bain' de Gilles Lellouche.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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