It’s a pretty spooky place. There have been fortifications on this site for hundreds of years. The present fort was in use until 1956 – and is now open to visitors.

You can see from the map below that it’s located in the very tip of a spar of land and the site was used for centuries to protect Harwich Harbour. The current fort was built in the 18th century.

Its most recent use under wartime conditions was during the Second World War and it’s uses included:

  • HQ for the coast artillery guns defending Harwich Harbour. In 1944 radar was installed for their fire control. By 1941 4 6-inch and 2 twin-6-pdr guns were operational on the Landguard Peninsula, housed in concrete emplacements which remain
  • HQ and Plot Room for the heavy anti-aircraft defending the Harwich-Ipswich area, till this moved to Q Tower in Felixstowe town in 1941
  • Naval Port War Signal Station; controlling ship movements in and out of Harwich Harbour, Stour and Orwel
  • Remote control station for defensive minefield in harbour entrance.

Today, it’s also thought that the place is haunted – hardly surprising really.

You can see details of forthcoming events and re-enactments on the website.

Where is Landguard Fort?

Landguard Fort

Landguard Bungalow,
View Point Rd IP11 3TW,
United Kingdom




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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