Just look at that bridge. Located in a public park in Gablenz, Germany, the bridge was constructed in the nineteenth century.
The park is a popular place to visit as its gardens – abounding with rhododendrons and azaleas – are spectacular. What’s more, it’s completely free to enter and to visit. Its design is based on the English gardens that were so popular at the time and the park features many ponds, lakes and water features.
However, the bridge that you see here is probably the most spectacular.
When the water is still, the bridge and its reflection forms a perfect circle.
The bridge is created in the ‘devil’s eye’ style – a device that was popular throughout Europe. They are reputed by legend to be ancient in origin although mostly they are not. Nevertheless, most of these bridges have legends attached to them usually involving a struggle of wills between the person building the bridge and the devil himself.
In every case, the devil is outwitted and the community enjoys it’s new transportation thanks to the newly-built bridge.
You can visit the park but crossing the bridge is unfortunately not permitted. The authorities decided to forbid traffic – even foot traffic – over the bridge in order to preserve it.
The park is located about one hundred miles from Berlin.
Where is the Rakotzbrücke?

JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.