It might be a temporary thing, or even permanent, but a lot of short term rental hosts who have been advertising on Airbnb or a similar service are rethinking their business models.

Recently, several states, counties and cities have banned short term rentals so that people from outside the local area can’t bring the virus with them. 

Short term rentals might be on hold for a while longer. Even if authorities remove restrictions, it may be some time before some people feel that travelling for pleasure purposes. But business travel will still be needed.

A practical problem for hosts who have been offering short term rentals is that of turnovers – preparing the rental for the next guests. At the time of writing, some special measures are required. I don’t just mean sterilising and so forth – because all hosts should have been offering sparkling clean, disinfected accommodation prior to Covid19 – but at least 48 hours is needed between turnovers.

As a result, many hosts are thinking about going to longer-term rentals.

People who are travelling to an area for work reasons are ideal for this. People who are on temporary work placements, interns, government or military personnel, consultants, those undertaking specialist job training … there are many reasons why the business traveller will require 30 day stays. Or longer.

So the purpose of this article – and I’m sorry, but it applies to US hosts only at the moment – is to let you know about a website, 2ndAddress,  that caters specifically to those very people. And you can list there. 

If you’ve been using one of the short term rental sites something that you’ll notice straight away about 2dAddress is that the company checks the guest – credit, criminal and background checks.

It’s certainly worth taking a look.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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