Quite a few people who have been renting out rooms in their home through Airbnb have become a little disillusioned with it. Why? Well, not because there’s anything wrong with the short term rental business – I absolutely love it – but it is hard work.
Unless a host has very carefully done their sums before starting hosting, the venture can be one that doesn’t make much money. In fact, there are some hosts who have actually lost money because of simple errors.
Not everyone has a business head and that’s what’s needed to have a successful short term rental business. That, a lot of stamina and an endless supply of patience. So it’s not for everybody.
But if you’ve got a spare bedroom and you need to have an extra income to cover the costs of your home, thinking about getting a roommate might be the answer.
But where do you start?
It sounds like a bit of a nightmare, doesn’t it? Ads in newspapers or cards in windows or on bulletin boards. Getting to meet all those people who get in touch. Sorting out the wheat from the chaff. It sounds like a full-time job.
Now come on, this is the twenty-first century. Stop and think for a moment and you’ll realise that you can do all this online. There’s a specialist service, currently available in the UK and the USA that exists specifically to put roommates in touch.
The website says that using their service, someone finds a roommate every three minutes.
And you’ve no need to be concerned about the longevity of this service – it has been proved by the test of time. It first started up in 2004 – so it’s truly prehistoric in internet years.
JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.