You might not think that there would be a need for short term rental accommodation that’s specifically for people who choose to eat vegetarian or vegan diets but believe me, there is.

Do people who don’t eat animal products really truly need their own dedicated accommodation site? And if they do, why on earth is that?

I don’t eat meat and only occasionally will I venture into the gastronomic area of fish, usually when eating out and it’s a choice between the salmon and a boring plate of vegetables (which is the only concession that some inadequate chefs make to the flesh-free diet). So, why would I prefer to stay with a vegetarian host?

  • Depending on where you’re travelling to, finding good vegetarian food when dining out can be difficult. Having a host who knows the location dining options and who can let you know what’s on various menus is an amazingly useful feature
  • A local host can also let you know about where to shop if you’re staying in accommodation that offers you self-catering. He or she will know when and where the local farmers market is, which supermarkets have great deals on the ingredients you’re likely to need, whether there are any specialist shops nearby…
  • If you’re staying in a homeshare, or if you host lives nearby, (and assuming that he or she is a good host) you’ll have the chance to ask for the odd item that you might need. For example, do you really want to buy a whole jar of brewers yeast just to put a pinch into that recipe you’re making for dinner? Your vegetarian host will probably let you have the odd pinch of this and the occasional dash of that so you don’t have to waste your monery
  • On the site, you can see exactly what sort of kitchen appliances are available to you, the guest. If you can’t live without your breakfast smoothies, there’s no need to pack your blender if the kitchen is equipped with one
  • The site suggests that host and guest can swap recipes and meal ideas – an advantage I hadn’t though of but the sharing community certainly fosters that sort of distribution of information
  • Some hosts provide breakfast for their guests and staying at one of these places ensures that you’ll receive a vegan or vegetarian meal without feeling any awkwardness about specifying your preferences
  • Many hosts, whether you’re renting a whole place or a private room in a home, will supply basic foodstuff for you; items such as pasta, oil, herbs, a few canned goods and so on. You can be assured that any food in the home will be meat-free
  • You can select a host whose lifestyle mirrors your own. For example, if you eat raw foods, low-fat, nut-free or whatever your preferences are, you can find a host who shares your own eating lifestyle
  • Unlike Airbnb, where many hosts don’t allow or actively discourage kitchen use especially in homesharing spaces,  cooking your own meals and making full use of the kitchen is actively encouraged
  • If you’re an athlete, amateur or professional, and in training, there’s no need to forgo your way of eating healthily just because you’re on a trip
  • Although the service states that you must follow a vegan or vegetarian diet during your stay it may be that you’re a meater-eater and interested in travelling this way because you’re wanting to learn more about the lifestyle. Using Vegvisits means that you can meet interesting people who’ll be happy to help you

You can even rent a kitchen on an hourly basis.

  • This is a wonderful option if you’re on a roadtrip as you can prepare meals for a couple of days to keep in your cooler
  • If you’re camping, in a tent or in more luxurious surroundings such as a yurt or small motorhome, it’s great to have a kitchen to yourself every week or every few days to treat yourself and your companions to a really good home-cooked meal
  • Often the host has equipped the kitchen with additional items that might interest you such as cookbooks featuring fantastic recipes
  • Remember that you can see what kitchen equipment is supplied before you book





JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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