Particularly important to travellers and to hosts of properties such as those listed on Airbnb, are the recent statistics that show what seriously turns people off bathrooms.

My own huge turn off is seeing a pubic hair of dubious provenance on the toilet seat.

But what do people really hate to see when they enter an unfamiliar bathroom? Here is the very telling infographic:

Airbnb hosts, hotels, bed and breakfast establishments and so on work hard to ensure that their bathrooms provide their guests with clean towels and pleasant toiletries.

But these efforts can be negated by such things as poor quality toilet paper, the lack of a hand towel or no apparent lock on the door.

Hosts, take note!

Note: Isn’t it interesting how male and female responses are more or less the same? Until you get to the issue of the toilet seat being left up!




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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