Although the word isn’t a new one, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that babymoons really became popular. As with many current trends, the fashion began with  various high profile celebrities. And a babymoon is a great idea.

As the name suggests the babymoon is a chance for couples who are expecting their first child to spend time together before they have the pleasure of late night feeds and before messier baby issues kick in.

The ideal time for a babymoon is before the 35th or 36th week of pregnancy. The expectant mum will be more mobile that she will be in the later stages and another factor to take into account is that many airlines and cruise lines won’t accept pregnant women after that time. (They tend to differ slightly, so it’s a good idea to check well in advance).

Of course, once the baby is born you’ll still have opportunity to travel – travelling with a baby is fun –  but you might have to fact the fact that for a few years, your vacations are going won’t be the same as they were before you became parents. Depending on your situation, finances might be a little trickier once you have the baby to consider.

So it’s a good idea to really spoil and pamper yourselves during your babymoon. In future, spontaneity will be a thing of the past – you won’t be able to decide on the spur of the moment to enjoy a romantic meal at your favourite restaurant or decide on Friday to have an unplanned weekend away – so make the most of your time together.

There are so many places to go, activities to do and sights to see – and each couple is different. If you’re an active couple with a troublefree pregnancy then there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a gentle cycling trip or a not-too-rigorous walking tour. Others will revel in the sunshine and the beach. Some couples might prefer a chartered sailing trip. Or you might prefer a city break where you can visit museums, shop and experience theatre productions.

There are plenty of excellent ideas on this site – use the search box below to discover some of the places, hotels and sights.

Travelling by train is a wonderful, relaxing option. No-one has to drive and often – at just a little extra cost – you can upgrade to have your own private cabin for just the two of you. Train travel is sometimes overlooked as an option these days but it’s so romantic!

Throughout the world there are wonderful private apartments available for rent (try Airbnb) where the two of you can sleep late and have the freedom of a ‘home away from home’. Choose from treehouses, log cabins, glamping experiences and many more to make your babymoon truly memorable.

Another advantage of staying in private accommodation is that your host will be able to recommend the best places to see and go to – and if you tell them in advance that you are on your babymoon, they may be willing to provide extra services for you that will elevate your trip into something really special.

Spa resorts are another wonderful option and can provide all the pampering you deserve.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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