Do you agree with me that Stephen King must have a pretty weird imagination? I think he must have to ensure his many years of great success writing those really creepy (but deliciously creepy) books.

But what is Stephen King himself afraid of?

In an article a couple of years ago he admitted that when he and his wife travel to Florida for a well-deserved winter break, his wife flies but he takes a longer route – he drives. He says that he will travel by air if he has to but he far prefers to be in control of his own fate, and thus his own car. He was quoted as saying:

The difference is if your car breaks down, you pull over into the breakdown lane. If you’re at 40,000 feet and your plane has trouble, you die.

That’s certainly one way of looking at it.

What he drives wasn’t specified in the article. I admit that I like to think that he’s bowling along the road in Christine, the super-spooky 1957 Plymouth Fury from the book and movie of the same name. Unfortunately, I doubt it. He probably drives a safe and prosaic Ford or similar.

What’s interesting though is the article’s list of items that the author finds it necessary to travel with. And there’s nothing weird.

As you’d expect from a super-successful novelist, books feature heavily in his list of essentials. He has books on his iPad (plus a couple of downloaded movies), a large crossword book and a couple of ‘real’ books too.

He is modest in his requirements during his roadtrips, staying in basic motels and says that as long as he can sit outside in the evening sun reading, then he’s happy. Cheapo diners are the way to go for dinner too – no millionaire feasts or gourmet restaurants.

He travels with just one battered suitcase that he’s had for years. By taking just one suitcase, he says that he is obliged to travel light – if it won’t go in the suitcase, then it stays at home. As for his travel wardrobe, it gets no fancier than jeans and t-shirts.


I thought it would be interesting to discover what happened to Christine – or, I should say, to the car that was used in the filming of the movie. The film has always been a favourite of mine, having the typical Stephen King mix of everyday life and real creepiness.

But instead of finding that there’s a museum somewhere housing the car, I discovered that a number of different cars were used during filming. Some sources say that 14 cars were used, others specify 28. Only two remain and are now in private hands.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.
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