I love the Greek islands (and Corfu in particular) and I’m all in favour of staying in quirky hostels to experience great fun and also as a budget measure. Sunrock on Corfu is a great example of a backpackers’ hostel in a great location.

Did you know that they have a scheme whereby you can stay absolutely free of charge? You have to exchange a little of your labour of course, but staying free in such a fabulous spot means that a little work is absolutely no problem at all.

And the work is hardly onerous.

All you’re expected to do is a little general hostel-type work. This ‘pay your way’ scheme is suitable for people who would like to stay in the hostel for a month or more.

What’s expected of you? Well, firstly you have to commit to the full-time period. Then you’ll be expected to join in with the others (regular staff and other volunteers) performing non-skilled hospitality duties such as greeting guests, working behind the bar, kitchen work and so on. Find out more here.


Sunrock Backpackers Hostel

Sunrock Vrachos Backpackers Resort,
Pelekas Beach,
490 84,




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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