I’m so lucky that I live in Florida. This means that I have lost count of the number of times I have enjoyed seeing the sun setting from Mallory Square in Key West. It’s always a wonderful experience. However, the absolute best way to enjoy the spectacle is from a luxury schooner while sipping a glass of champagne.

There are several boats on offer for sunset cruises – here’s an example – and you’ll find that the sights are truly spectacular.  Mallory Square is fun, but seeing the sunset from a schooner under sail adds a whole new dimension to the experience.

I was on one sunset cruise and we saw dolphins playing right by the boat. You might not be as lucky but marine life is often to be seen in the Keys and is a thrilling experience.

There are so many exciting things to do in Key West but watching the sun go down is an absolute must. You can see the sun as it sets from various locations (Mallory Square being the most popular) but of course, you’ll have the crowds to contend with.

When you go on a sunset cruise, it will just be you, the crew and maybe twenty or so other guests. It will be leisurely and relaxing – isn’t that what a sunset should be?

Most sunset cruises last for about two hours. Some require advance booking but at some times of the year, you can just turn up a few hours before the sun is due to set.

By the way, did you know that the French for ‘sunset’ is ‘le coucher du soleil’? That means ‘the sleep of the sun’. Wonderfully poetic!




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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