Hereford is a rural cathedral city which is to the west of London – about one hundred and thirty miles from the centre – and located near the Welsh border. It’s an ancient city and a truly interesting place to visit but for couples, there’s an added bonus.

You can visit an authentic forge in the city and make his-and-hers rings. This is perfect for engaged couples or for those who want to exchange friendship rings. Part of the fun that makes this experience special is being able to say that you and your partner forged the rings yourselves in a traditional way.

Expert blacksmiths will work with you and guide you as they two of you create these lasting mementos of your trip and symbols your relationship – symbols that the two of you made together in a traditional and rural setting.

It’s certainly a story to tell you children and grandchildren in the future – a story that not many other couples will be able to match.

And the blacksmith who is working with you will do more than help you forge your special rings – he will also provide you with a bottle of champagne so that you can celebrate your creations.


Image at the top of the page by David Merrett – Flickr: Wye Bridge, CC BY 2.0,





JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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