It must be one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. And if you’ve been there, I’m willing to bet that you remember that smell, that special aroma of sage, juniper and myrtle blending together in the sun.

Marseille is the second largest cities in France and an important seafaring city. I’ve always loved it.

I always thought it was Aunt Augusta in Travels With My Aunt who said that she liked the city because of all the dark and mysterious ships heading for exotic places but the internet hasn’t been able to find the quote for me. So my memory must be faulty but never mind.

But you don’t have to travel far from the bustling city to find often deserted calanques such as the Calanque de Sugiton – you can locate it on the map below. As you can see in the photograph, a calanque is an inlet, a bay, and the coast between Marseille and Cassis has many.

What is a  calanque? Imagine a cave that has been created by the sea eroding the land over time. Now imagine that the roof of the cave collapses. The result is a small bay, a  calanque. And as you can see on the map, many calanques are located within a designated national park or area of particular beauty.

Some are closed during the summer months due to the risk of wildfires but others, and the Calanque de Sugiton is an example, are open year round. However, there are boat trips available so that you can see these stunning features from the sea.

Otherwise Calanque de Sugiton is an extremely popular hiking destination.


How to Find Calanque de Sugiton

Calanque de Sugiton

13009 Marseille,




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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