There is a popular fallacy going around the internet regarding your listing’s placement in the Airbnb search. Many hosts are certain that in order for their listings to be shown in the first few search results, it’s essential that the host goes to their listing regularly and tweaks it – changing the pricing by just a dollar, adding a few words here and there … just enough for the search engine to ‘notice’.

Hosts are so convinced that this works that they even provide anecdotal ‘evidence’. “My listing was nowhere to be seen but I went in, changed the price by a dollar and lo and behold, my listing was there”.

It sounds really quite plausible, doesn’t it?

Well, leaving aside for a moment that search engines simply don’t work that way, the fact is that Airbnb itself says that the hosts who do this daily tweak are actually wasting their time. Of course, they’re not quite as blunt about it.

The image above is from the official Airbnb blog.

If you’re reading this on your phone and the text in the image is too small for you to read, here’s what it says:

Repeatedly changing or tweaking your listing will neither help nor hurt your Search Ranking.

There you have it from the horse’s mouth and it’s a shame to imagine all those hosts worldwide wasting time tweaking their listing in the belief that it’s going to help them. It isn’t.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should never mess with your listing. You might find that as the months go by you want to make changes in your listing to:

  • Increase prices for a special event, conference, festival or exhibition in your area
  • Revise your house rules
  • Add new photographs if you’ve altered the decor or furnishings in your rental
  • Add information about your area, for instance if a new bus route starts up or a new restaurant opens close by
  • Change your listing to show any ADA compliance benefits your rental offers

There are plenty of other reasons why you might want to go to your listing to make changes or alterations but increasing your visibility in the Airbnb search just isn’t one of them, sorry.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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