Whether you’re at home, travelling for business, on a road trip or just having a deserved weekend break, there are many reasons you might want to get out into the countryside and its fresh air.

Most of us find being outside is invigorating, yet relaxing at the same time. Plus, we know that the exercise is good for us. 

Do you want to find new places to explore near your home? It can make every weekend into a mini-vacation. Or perhaps you’d like to find scenic places to walk with your dog when you’re travelling in your motorhome. It could be that you’re on a trip and would love to find an unspoiled and easy trail that is stroller-friendly so good for all the family.

With the All Trails app, which is free, you can discover trails, walks and parks that are near to you. It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for somewhere near home, in Turkey, Australia or one of the many countries on the list.

Trails and walking routes vary a great deal in their length and difficulty so don’t be worried about the word you’ll see on the app – ‘hike’. This might be a pretty old-fashioned view but the word implies a lot of physical effort to me, along with stout walking boots, backpacks and an earnest outdoorsy attitude. And I’m not that person.

But a couple of miles through an area of natural beauty, a gentle stroll through a national park … that’s more my cup of tea. I like to benefit from the fresh air and exercise.

Whether you’re at home or away on a trip you’ll be able to find a walk that’s suitable for you. The app will tell you how long the trail is, what it offers (viewing platform, views, dog-friendly, okay for kids, parking lot, bird watching etc.) and you’ll find maps and comments from people who have walked that trail. You can search for trails using the criteria that suits you.

Using the app, I have found places within just a few miles from my home that I didn’t know existed. (And I’ve lived here for 26 years).  Plus, when we start going on trips again (apres-covid) I’m certain that the app is going to be invaluable.

Find the app at Google Play or the App Store or you can visit the website here.

Note that the app is FREE. However, if you find that you’d like further features, a pro version is also available. But as yet, I’m finding that the free version is just the job.

You can find out more about pro here. It’s $29.99 per year so it’s excellent value.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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