I don’t know about you but I don’t think I’ll find myself in United Arab Emirates in the near future. But nevertheless, I’ve just spent the morning checking out the exhibits and the remarkable architecture at the Louvre Abu Dhabi.

Before I write any more, I’ll add a short video below (one minute only) that will give you some idea of the place.

The architect of this arts and civilization complex was renowned and much-accoladed Jean Nouvel. The complex is topped by a web patterned dome that allows the light from the sun to shine through, creating a free-form art installation in itself. It’s referred to as a ‘rain of light’.

It is surrounded by water and the ripples and the reflections from the sun form a further ever-changing display. The minimal interior is largely flat white – perfect to showcase artworks.

People have asked about the name – is the Louvre Abu Dhabi an offshoot of the famous museum in Paris? No, it’s completely independent, although Abu Dhabi paid Paris an enormous amount in order to be able to use the ‘Louvre’ name. A further amount (even more) was paid for artwork loans, special exhibitions and artwork consultancy.

Although the museum is currently open (August 2020 – with strict social distancing etc. rules) if, like me, you’d like to see more without travelling to the United Arab Emirates, then there are two ways.

The museum’s website is an excellent place to find out more, see great photographs of the place and learn about exhibits in detail. Click here for the website and here for the exhibits online section.

The museum also offers an excellent app. It’s information, entirely free and can be downloaded from this page on the museum’s website. There are links to Google Play and to the App Store. (I went directly to the App Store on my phone and searched for Louvre Abu Dhabi).

If you do get to the museum in person, rather than virtually, the app has an interactive map to find your way around the galleries with geo-tracking. It ‘knows’ where you are and can talk to you (remember to take your headphones) as you travel through the space.

Below is another video, longer this time, showing more of the museum.

Where is the Louvre Abu Dhabi?

Louvre Abu Dhabi

Saadiyat  السَّعدياتCultural District أبو ظبي 
United Arab Emirates




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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