If you rent out a room or apartment on Airbnb or a similar service, I imagine that one of your biggest headaches is cleaning. I recently purchased the answer to my cleaning problems. Its the Dyson V6 cord-free vacuum. I never imagined that I’d get excited about a vacuum cleaner but here I am!

It save me loads of time. The fact that there’s no cord is the first bonus you’ll notice. Every minute counts when you’ve just had a guest check out and have another due in a few hours. And cleanliness is a big deal for guests – quite rightly too. This is especially the case when guests are coming from Airbnb or other booking sites because guests get to rate and / or review your standards.

The Dyson has brilliant suction and can be used:

  • For floors – hard floors, carpets, rugs
  • On upholstery – this was a frequent problem for me. Crumbs or sand from the beach and other miscellaneous bits and pieces
  • For hard-to-reach places – such as the tops of picture frames, pelmets, AC vents and so on
  • To remove hair – why do guests always shed to much hair? The Dyson deals with it swiftly
  • For pet hair too – if you allow pet hair in your rental you can make short work of removing hair from any surface
  • On the kitchen counters – it easily picks up crumbs. I use it on the dining table too
  • Under furniture – it easily reaches under the bed, under the sofa
  • In the microwave – especially if someone has been making microwave popcorn
  • For getting rid of cobwebs – if these are a problem for you the Dyson reaches high into the corners of walls
  • On the bed – I vacuum the mattress and topper to be sure there are no hairs
  • Outside – because it is cord-free, I use it on the balcony and even the doormat
  • On blinds – it’s great for dusting the slats
  • Baseboards – just use the attachment to keep baseboards free of dust
  • Inside drawers and cupboards – it ensures no stray hairs
  • Um, even the toilet – you know that little ledge behind the toilet seat that is a magnet for pubic hair? Well….

I’m sure that you’ll find many more uses for the Dyson. I don’t have curtains but reviewers have mentioned that it’s great for keeping drapes free of dust.  Others have said that it’s excellent for stairs. Here are a few of the other advantages.

  • It’s very lightweight so it’s easy to move from one room to another
  • Use it as an upright cleaner or a hand held dust-buster
  • It comes with four attachments
  • It also has a convenient hanging bracket
  • The Dyson is easy to empty
  • It remains at full power – the power doesn’t gradually lessen as with others I’ve used
  • There’s an boost button to add extra power for problem clean-up jobs

As a bonus, I leave the Dyson in the rental apartment and guests seem to love using it too!






JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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