As the man in the video says ‘these are proper English chips – none of yer poncey French fries’.

The super-stylish frontage – those wonderful tiles and that fabulous font! – could be the work of a modern architect but it is original to this business. The Regency Cafe opened in 1946.

These days, when it’s not as easy as it used to be to get a proper English breakfast or a decent mug of builder’s tea, it’s good to know that places like the Regency still exist – and in Westminster of all places.

Yes, in an area that’s not known for being exactly inexpensive, you can get a full and tasty meal for less than you’d pay for something generic and junky at a fast food place.

And although there’s the odd bit of cholesterol to be had if you so wish, there are also omlettes, pasta dishes and sumptuous salads to choose from too.

The Regency might look familiar to you – it’s quite accustomed to being featured on the screen in movies, television programmes and adverts.

See what Tripadvisor has to say.


The Regency Cafe

17-19 Regency St,
London SW1P 4BY,




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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