The hotel industry does come in for a lot of criticism these days but we do have to applaud its initiatives to be more planet-friendly. For example, for several years now, fresh towels are supplied on request rather than the old system which meant all clean towels every day.

Recently, people on the internet have been asking and wondering what happens to sheets and towels that are no longer good enough to be used for guests.

It just so happens that hotels are thinking about the environment and charities in this department too.

For example, in 2018 Westin (part of the Marriott hotel group) announced that they were working to create children’s pajamas using the fibres from their older towels and sheets that could then be converted into a new fabric. You can read about that initiative here.

Most hotels these days use white only for their towels and sheets and try very hard to ensure that they are kept in good condition by working hard to get rid of any stains and marks. But of course, there comes a point when these textiles just aren’t in a good enough shape to offer to their paying customers.

Many hotels donate their used sheets and towels. If they are still in reasonable condition, they are donated to shelters for the homeless or similar charities.

If they are irreparably stained, then they can still be donated but this time to animal hospitals and humane societies. Abandoned or sick pets don’t worry if there’s a stubborn mascara stain on their bedding.

Some hotels will use the towels to their fullest extent within the property before donating. When white towels become unsuitable for guest rooms, some hotels dye them and use them as pool towels for guests to use. Or, if the hotel has its own private beach, the guests can use them there.

When they become too shabby for beach or pool use, then they are dyed again and cut into cleaning cloths for housekeeping to use. And when these are threadbare, they can still be sent to recycling plants.

Hotels are definitely doing their bit.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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