One thing you can say about certain holidays, you know when they are. Christmas is always December 25th. New Year’s Day is always January 1st. Then there are those that aren’t exactly a fixed date but you tend to know where you are with them – Thanksgiving (USA) for instance that is always on the fourth Thursday of November.

But I have never been able to work out the logic of some of the others – Mardi Gras for example, which is based on when Easter falls. Great … if you know when Easter is but that’s different every year.

This can make planning your travelling more tricky if you like to plan ahead. So, just for you, here are the dates of Easter Sunday for the foreseeable future.

Apr 21 2019
Apr 12 2020
Apr 4 2021
Apr 17 2022
Apr 9 2023
Mar 31 2024
Apr 20 2025
Apr 5 2026
Mar 28 2027
Apr 16 2028
Apr 1 2029
Apr 21 2030
Apr 13 2031
Mar 28 2032
Apr 17 2033
Apr 9 2034
Mar 25 2035
Apr 13 2036
Apr 5 2037
Apr 25 2038
Apr 10 2039
Apr 1 2040
Apr 21 2041
Apr 6 2042
Mar 29 2043
Apr 17 2044
Apr 9 2045
Mar 25 2046
Apr 14 2047
Apr 5 2048
Apr 18 2049

For dates beyond these (not that I shall be around to need them!) “simply” proceed as Google suggests as follows:

Easter is held on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after the vernal equinox. From that point forward, the Easter date depended on the ecclesiastical approximation of March 21 for the vernal equinox.

Yeah, right…




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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