Just a quick post, this one.

But did you know that Airbnb and Delta Airlines have a reciprocal system whereby you can earn air miles on your Airbnb stay? Neither did I until recently which is why I’m letting you know about this.

Apparently, this has been in effect for a few years now but many Airbnb users-both guests and hosts-know nothing about it. And let’s face it, it’s not like Airbnb to hide its light under a bushel.

Evidently, all you have to do to qualify is go to the special website that was set up to promote this liaison. Click through to Airbnb from there – your click will be tracked – and your miles will be automatically be assigned to you once you book your accommodation.


There’s a full FAQ section on the site that will answer any questions you might have.

This is what you’ll have to do when you go to the site to initiate getting your miles for your Airbnb booking:

Pretty simple, right? Just one easy step before you’re taken to Airbnb.

Here’s the basic info on the Airbnb website.





JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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