In 1908, the Hampton Springs Hotel opened its doors. It was more than just a luxurious hotel. Local man Joe Hamilton became aware of the area’s sulphur springs that were believed to be health-giving. As his wife suffered from rheumatism, he had an added incentive to tame the springs.

The hotel he created was palatial and extensive.  There was a covered pool and every facility guests of the day would expect – tennis courts, a golf course, stables, casino, the grand ballroom and even its own train depot.

Offsite, it also offered guests a fishing and hunting lodge and the hotel’s bottling facility bottled and distributed its healthy spring water throughout the country.

The hotel was a huge success and expanded just a few years later when another investor took a serious interest in the place. More rooms were added and the expansive gardens and sparkling fountains were enhanced. The hotel had a fabulous reputation.

During the Second World War though, it was used to house lucky military personnel – men who were testing and developing aircraft at the nearby town of Perry.

Then, in 1954, a fire destroyed the hotel.

It was abandoned. Today there’s little left and the empty lot has become a park.


Postcard image courtesy Florida Memories.


Hampton Springs

Hampton Springs,
FL 32348,




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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