If you have a short-term property for rental – and advertise it on Airbnb or a similar site – the chances are that you’ve had a request from someone who wants to use your property for a photoshoot or even as a film location.

Should you agree to host the event?

No, not unless you have special insurance, a free-of-charge cleanup crew, inexhaustible patience and very understanding neighbours. Bear in mind that many photographers and movie-makers have tried to rent accommodation to use for their professional purposes but for a fraction of the cost of a realistic location.

So yes, if you can ensure that they provide all insurance (including specific liability – and you’ll want a photocopy of the policy mentioning your address). will pay full commercial rates and can be sure that it’s not going to interfere with or annoy anyone in the neighbourhood, then go ahead. Assuming, I’m saying it again, that they pay full commercial rates.

 I know that I’m belabouring the point here but I can rent a great Airbnb property for what, $200 to $300 per night? To rent an ‘official’ movie location or property, I’d be looking at those figures per hour. And that would be pretty reasonably priced.

So for those of you who have a property that you believe could be in demand for photographers and film-makers, how can you get that sort of money for your property? Where do you begin?

Well, this is the twenty-first century so the answer obviously is, online.

All the headaches are taken away from you if you use an online service and Giggster is a great example. If you’re already an Airbnb host, the site is going to look familiar to you. And it works in a similar way so you’ll find your way around easily.

There are some truly amazing properties on the site but what if you’re more like me and just have a regular place? Fear not, you can still take advantage of the site and the excellent commercial rates. Film-makers and photographers aren’t only looking for glamorous and outlandish locations.

The site has a section for the more ordinary home – those that are listed for $100 per hour or less. That’s still a very good hourly rate when compared to the nightly rate you’re already getting from your property. So listing on Giggster can be very profitable – and fun. Check the company’s help section to find out more.




JJ is originally from the UK and has lived in South Florida since 1994. She is the founder and editor of JAQUO Magazine. You can connect with her using the social media icons below.

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