Livraria Lello, Porto

Livraria Lello, Porto

There are several; contenders for the world’s most gorgeous bookstore but this is the one that has my vote. I could spend a lot of hours – or even days – in a bookstore and this one would probably keep me happy for even longer. It was founded in the...
Oh, Those Airbnb Horror Stories!

Oh, Those Airbnb Horror Stories!

From time to time, you’ll find them on the internet – those horror stories about Airbnb guests. Or sometimes about Airbnb hosts. Well, do you know how many people stayed in Airbnb accommodation last night? Or how many will tonight? Or tomorrow night?...
Visiting the UK: Afternoon Tea

Visiting the UK: Afternoon Tea

One of the traditions that many visitors to the UK decide to enjoy is afternoon tea. Afternoon tea is served throughout the country at hotels and fine tearooms. One example in Yorkshire is the small chain, Betty’s Café – see the map below. The first thing...
Visiting the USA: Is The Tap Water Okay To Drink?

Visiting the USA: Is The Tap Water Okay To Drink?

We are often asked this question by people who are coming to the USA from other countries – countries where the residents have never even considered whether their tap water is safe. In countries in Europe, we tend to take our tasty safe water for granted. If we...
Ten Ways to be a Really Bad Airbnb Guest!

Ten Ways to be a Really Bad Airbnb Guest!

Thinking about using Airbnb or a similar short-term rental service? Well here’s how to really piss off your host. If you’re looking for bad reviews and a definite thumbs down (meaning you’ll have a hard time renting from that service again) then just...
Ureddplassen, Norway: The Loveliest Loo

Ureddplassen, Norway: The Loveliest Loo

You’re driving along one of the most scenic routes in Norway. The views are breathtaking. But, as is often the case on road trips, you feel that it’s time for a rest stop. Actually, you need the loo. And what better place to stop that the place you see in...
Why The Traveller Needs To Know About Mark Smith

Why The Traveller Needs To Know About Mark Smith

Why do we so often hear or read that people find travel stressful?  Mainly I think because people are really referring to how stressful the airport is and the whole rigmarole of air travel. So why do you need to know about Mark? Because of his fantastic website....
What’s In Your Happy Guest Kit?

What’s In Your Happy Guest Kit?

You’ve allowed for just about everything your guests will need when they’re staying at your Airbnb or rental. There’s the first aid kit, you supply toiletries, a fire extinguisher is on hand, there are board games for rainy days, towels to take to...
Best Budget Dining: A Picnic

Best Budget Dining: A Picnic

Now I’m not saying this to be snooty or seem to be swanky but I’ve been in some pretty posh restaurants in my time. And what’s crazy is that I would honestly rather have a picnic in gorgeous countryside / on the beach / in a Mediterranean village...
Airbnb Hosts: The Lost Art of Conversation

Airbnb Hosts: The Lost Art of Conversation

Have we lost the habit of conversation? It really wouldn’t surprise me if we have. After all, today we are more accustomed to our conversations and interactions with others being by text, email, Snapchat, What’s App, Instagram… And for the older...
How Much Does The Hotel Charge For Parking?

How Much Does The Hotel Charge For Parking?

When you’re booking a hotel, have you noticed that the price you’re quoted doesn’t necessarily include all those ‘little’ extras that hotels stick on your bill at the end of your stay? And one of the highest-ticket items is simply for...
Food Costs Around the World

Food Costs Around the World

One thing about travel is pretty certain – and that is, just like when you’re at home – a large part of your budget will go towards keeping body and soul together. In other words, food costs. Most smart travellers know that to rent self-catering...
Airbnb Hosts: When Your Guests Have Left

Airbnb Hosts: When Your Guests Have Left

Meeting and greeting your guests is an important matter and one that should be carefully considered. However, it’s equally important for you, or your co-host, to be on hand when your guests leave your rental.  Some hosts would say that it’s more important....
Why You Shouldn’t Sneak Extra People Into Your Rental

Why You Shouldn’t Sneak Extra People Into Your Rental

When you’re travelling, especially if you’re sticking to a budget, there can be the temptation to sneak an extra person or two into the accommodation you’re renting. Maybe you’ve rented a place on Airbnb or a similar site and the host charges...
Hosts: Preparing Your Rental. You Can’t Do It In Advance

Hosts: Preparing Your Rental. You Can’t Do It In Advance

Question to hosts: It’s Friday and your guests have just checked out of your rental. The next guests aren’t arriving until check in time on Sunday. When do you get the space ready for the guest? Do you do it on Friday afternoon and get the job out of the...
The Ten Commandments of Being a Great Airbnb Guest

The Ten Commandments of Being a Great Airbnb Guest

Did you realise that when you become a guest at an Airbnb rental you join an elite group? Or at any rate, you can if you so wish. That group is made up of Airbnb members who have been given five star ratings by their hosts – ‘superguests’ if you...
Camping Hammock: Sleep in the Trees

Camping Hammock: Sleep in the Trees

To me, hammocks have long been symbolic of lazy days in the sun, relaxing and having a good time. And that’s one of the reasons why I love camping hammocks and the idea of sleeping in the trees. If you haven’t come across a hammock tent before,...
Airbnb: Be Sure To Choose the Right Accommodation

Airbnb: Be Sure To Choose the Right Accommodation

Where ever you’re going on your trip, the chances are that you’ll find plenty of accommodation options to choose from on Airbnb. It might even be hard to select one. There’s no problem at first – even if you can’t decide between your...
Travel: It’s Different There. (And It’s Supposed To Be)

Travel: It’s Different There. (And It’s Supposed To Be)

Most people today travel because they want to enjoy new experiences, meet people from different cultures, see unusual sights and explore new places. And travellers are wise enough to research the places they’re going to. Apps, the internet and all the screens...
Hosts: Dealing With Guests Who Smoke

Hosts: Dealing With Guests Who Smoke

Yes, I know that today smoking a cigarette, pipe or cigar can be classed as the eighth deadly sin. I am also aware that the last cigarette I smoked, after what seemed to be a lifetime of the habit, was in June 2017. So I’m an ex-smoker. But I’m not one of...
Bring Your Bike To Fort Lauderdale (Or Rent When You Get Here)

Bring Your Bike To Fort Lauderdale (Or Rent When You Get Here)

Fort Lauderdale is justifiably proud of the parks and scenic trails and routes it offers for the cyclist. And more and more people are choosing to get around using pedal power rather than less ecological modes of transport. We’ve found that guests who are...
Divided by a Common Language: The Humble Potato

Divided by a Common Language: The Humble Potato

A great example of the United States and Great Britain being ‘two countries divided by a common language’ is to be found when dining. That is the humble potato. Sure, in the UK and in the USA a potato is a potato (and no, the English do not pronounce it...
Sleeping at the Airport. Yes or No?

Sleeping at the Airport. Yes or No?

So, what are we supposed to do when we have a few hours between connecting flights? You know the sort of thing I mean – when the time isn’t long enough to justify the expense of a hotel room but it’s simply too long to sit around drinking expensive...
New Host Question: Why Isn’t My Listing in Search Results?

New Host Question: Why Isn’t My Listing in Search Results?

Several times a week – no, many times a week – new Airbnb hosts post on forums with some variation of the following message: ‘Help! I tried to search for my listing on Airbnb and it’s just not showing up! What should I do?’ Actually,...
Tipping. What a Rigmarole!

Tipping. What a Rigmarole!

Tipping. That should be pretty simple, right? After all, it’s not rocket science. (As they say). I live in the USA these days although I’m originally from the other side of the pond and over the years, I’ve become quite accustomed to the USA tipping...
Helsinki Airport, Finland

Helsinki Airport, Finland

Douglas Adams quotes usually hit the nail right on the head. And when I read in The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul the following remark about airports, I thought ‘well, that’s spot on’. It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever...
Airbnb Guests: Why Should I Pay a Cleaning Fee?

Airbnb Guests: Why Should I Pay a Cleaning Fee?

There does seem to be quite a lot of confusion online from short-term rental guests who don’t understand what the so-called cleaning fee is all about. Note that not all hosts charge this as a separate fee but wherever you stay – hotel, guesthouse B &...
Check SeatGuru Before You Book Your Flight

Check SeatGuru Before You Book Your Flight

There are so many wonderful places to visit in this world of ours and it can take us a long time to decide just where we want to go for our next precious vacation time. And once we’ve decided on our destination, we then have to choose how to get there. Many of...
Visiting Rome: Carciofi alla Giudia

Visiting Rome: Carciofi alla Giudia

Carciofi alla giudia is a traditional Roman recipe that is a Jewish speciality. It’s a plate of sheer deliciousness, being a wonderful twice-deep-fried artichoke dish. It’s prepared in a traditional manner. (See the video below). Recently though, it has...
Airpods at Airports

Airpods at Airports

I never knew that there was such a thing but the Airpod website says that the company is at the helm of the travel and ‘napping industry’. Sleeping pods aren’t new, of course, which are what the company provide but nevertheless I’m surprised...
Why Use a Travel Wrap?

Why Use a Travel Wrap?

I’ve often extolled the benefits of travelling with a light shawl or sarong as these items are incredibly useful for the traveller, especially when you’re travelling in warmer climates. But there is also a place for the travel wrap. And by this is mean...
Hosts: How To Have Great Guests At Check Out

Hosts: How To Have Great Guests At Check Out

Most people in the world are friendly, law-abiding folk. who just want to get on with their lives. And yet if you were to read comments on, for instance, a forum for short-term-rental hosts, you might get the idea that as soon as a normal, average person turns into a...
Flying: The Organised Way

Flying: The Organised Way

A plane journey doesn’t always offer the best possible experience. And there are two particular aspects that bother me about the flight itself. They are: The hygiene The tiny seat space Aeroplane hygiene never used to bother me but like many other people,...
What Happens To Old Hotel Sheets & Towels

What Happens To Old Hotel Sheets & Towels

The hotel industry does come in for a lot of criticism these days but we do have to applaud its initiatives to be more planet-friendly. For example, for several years now, fresh towels are supplied on request rather than the old system which meant all clean towels...
Airbnb / STR: Cheaper Than Hotels?

Airbnb / STR: Cheaper Than Hotels?

We have so many accommodation decisions to make when we travel, haven’t we? Hotel or bed & breakfast? Hostel, maybe? A rented apartment or studio? A rental house? Perhaps a room in someone’s home? And the chances are that we’ll have different...
Why to Travel With a Sleeping Bag Liner

Why to Travel With a Sleeping Bag Liner

Before smart travellers appreciated the extremely good reasons for travelling with them, sleeping bag liners were the preserve of the hardy campers. And still are I suppose, but for some time now I’ve been travelling with one in my hand luggage – and you...
Airbnb: Guests Don’t Read?

Airbnb: Guests Don’t Read?

It’s something that short-term-rental hosts and owners complain about all the time. ‘Guests don’t read’. Actually, guests do read. They read all the time. But they read what they want to read. They just don’t read your long and boring...
How Hygienic is the Airplane?

How Hygienic is the Airplane?

Flying is such a normal thing to do these days and it seems that the more we fly, the fewer instances there are of people being afraid of the actual flying itself. Instead, today’s big worry for many people is the hygiene of the plane in which they’re...
Airbnb Hosts: Be Available At Check Out

Airbnb Hosts: Be Available At Check Out

Most Airbnb hosts realise the advantages of greeting their guests in person and giving them a house tour. But what some don’t realise is that it’s equally important to be around when your guests check out. To be honest, if I was given a choice –...
The Shortest Scheduled Passenger Flight in the World

The Shortest Scheduled Passenger Flight in the World

Hate long-haul flights? I do but nevertheless, I prefer to have a little time in the air to settle down, have a glass of wine and read a book. I wouldn’t have those opportunities though if I took a flight from Westray to Papa Westray in the Orkney Islands....
Moscow Metro

Moscow Metro

Moscow subway system is one of the business metros in the world. It’s extensive too – with over 200 stations. As it was built in the 1930s it’s not as old as its equivalents in London or Paris but is nevertheless a historic venue. And many of the...
Strada del Ponale, Italy

Strada del Ponale, Italy

This fabulous road, which hugs the side of a mountain, was built in Victorian times and used by traffic until its usage was banned in 1995. It was simply too dangerous. At first, I thought this was such a shame – what an incredible drive this would be –...
Hampton Springs, Florida

Hampton Springs, Florida

In 1908, the Hampton Springs Hotel opened its doors. It was more than just a luxurious hotel. Local man Joe Hamilton became aware of the area’s sulphur springs that were believed to be health-giving. As his wife suffered from rheumatism, he had an added...
Atlantic Ocean Road (Atlanterhavsveien) Norway

Atlantic Ocean Road (Atlanterhavsveien) Norway

Norway’s Atlanterhavsveien (the Atlantic Ocean Road) is just over 5 miles long and is considered by many to be the world’s most beautiful road. Rather like the Overseas Highway in Florida, the road travels over small islands and bridges – it curves...
Visiting the UK: Blackpool Tower

Visiting the UK: Blackpool Tower

I’ve written before about the northern seaside town of Blackpool in the UK and how it’s reinventing itself. And it’s doing a good job of reinventing what is probably its most famous feature, Blackpool Tower. Blackpool never really had much going for...
When You Travel: Drink Wine, Stay Well

When You Travel: Drink Wine, Stay Well

A couple of years ago, Wine Spectator published a research study which demonstrated that travellers who drink wine with their meal are protected from food-borne illnesses. Evidently, there are components in the wine (in alcohol to be exact) that scare off the nasties...
Ashtrays in the Airplane?

Ashtrays in the Airplane?

It used to be one of those mysteries of life. How old is this plane I’m travelling in?  Smoking on planes was banned in 1988 so why does the loo of the plane I’m in feature an ashtray? The answer is pretty simple, although somewhat bizarre. By law,...
What Do People Hate To See In Bathrooms?

What Do People Hate To See In Bathrooms?

Particularly important to travellers and to hosts of properties such as those listed on Airbnb, are the recent statistics that show what seriously turns people off bathrooms. My own huge turn off is seeing a pubic hair of dubious provenance on the toilet seat. But...
The Black Sheep Brewery, Yorkshire

The Black Sheep Brewery, Yorkshire

Paul Theakston was born into the brewing industry and worked at the namesake Theakston’s Brewery in Masham, Yorkshire. That is until business and managerial mayhem made him leave in the 1980s. But – and many a Yorkshireman would say the same – beer...
Packing Light: Pack & Stack

Packing Light: Pack & Stack

Packing light has so many advantages. In the video below you’ll see a method of packing a carry on bag – a method that I’d call ‘the pack & stack’. This method, which is fully explained and demonstrated in the video, is quick and easy...
Save Money, Save the Planet: No Housekeeping

Save Money, Save the Planet: No Housekeeping

Isn’t it great that the hospitality industry realised just how expensive – in terms of money and the environment – the old habit of daily housekeeping at hotels could be? For several years now, notices in hotel bathrooms have informed us that fresh...
Jaco Pastorius: Fort Lauderdale

Jaco Pastorius: Fort Lauderdale

Not all visitors to Fort Lauderdale make their way up Dixie Highway.  Those who do are often paying homage to one of the greatest bass players ever – Jaco Pastorius. Before we go any further, let’s listen to him in action. This is from 1978. Jaco...
Divided by a Common Language: Pudding

Divided by a Common Language: Pudding

I’m from England although I’ve lived in the USA since 1994. And yes, there’s a huge difference between the two cultures and one of the greatest is that of language. British people in the USA – and vice versa – can find themselves...
Packing: Use a Packing Folder

Packing: Use a Packing Folder

Have you used a packing folder? They are a great way to keep your clothes from getting wrinkled when you pack. You can use the folder as a piece of luggage in its own right or add it to the bottom of your suitcase. Most packing folders will hold about a dozen items...
Travel The World With Workaway

Travel The World With Workaway

Do you crave travelling but don’t have the ideal budget? Would you like to travel the world (literally) and volunteer your time in exchange for accommodation? Of course! Then you need to check out Workaway. Below you can see just a handful of the opportunities...
When is Easter?

When is Easter?

One thing you can say about certain holidays, you know when they are. Christmas is always December 25th. New Year’s Day is always January 1st. Then there are those that aren’t exactly a fixed date but you tend to know where you are with them –...
The Loos of Okinawa, Japan

The Loos of Okinawa, Japan

Today I am sharing a fabulous Flickr album that features the delights of public toilets in Okinawa, Japan. What a great basis for a Japanese road trip. Whether you call them restrooms, toilets, WCs … here are a few to capture your imagination. (Oh and I’m...
Food Tours with Intrepid Travel

Food Tours with Intrepid Travel

Some of my happiest travel memories are food-related. Yet none of them feature expensive restaurants – my memories are more likely to be that impromptu picnic in the Florida Keys, the perfect pub lunch in Cornwall, the al fresco family lunch in the French...
Your Wedding on Fort Lauderdale Beach

Your Wedding on Fort Lauderdale Beach

Until recent years, a full-on, lavish wedding was something to be desired. (And to have to pay for forever more). It was a status symbol. But recently couples have embraced the minimalistic approach that has taken over so many aspects of our lives. We no longer need...
Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road

Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road

If you’re not from the UK, it’s easy to think that ‘only the British’ drive on the left-hand side of the road. And by the same token, British people sometimes think the same – that wherever else they go in the world, they’ll have to...
When is Mardi Gras?

When is Mardi Gras?

In 2018, Mardi Gras was early. It fell on February 13th and because the festival’s date is based on that of Easter, it’s different every year. In 2019, it was on March 5th – quite a difference from year to year. This can make arranging to visit Mardi...
Choose the Cheapest Accommodation for your Vacation? No!

Choose the Cheapest Accommodation for your Vacation? No!

I was brought up by parents who themselves were brought up in the Second World War in the UK. This means rationing, make-do-and-mend, growing your own food and recycling just about everything. Frugal. And therefore I am too. But the cheapest isn’t always the...
Is a Hammock Ideal for Airport Sleeping?

Is a Hammock Ideal for Airport Sleeping?

This week the internet has been abuzz with the story of a bloke who set up his hammock in the airport and therefore had a much better sleep than all those regular people who were trying to sleep in those uncomfortable airport seating areas. But is this really a wise...
Spend Your Vacation in a Tiny House

Spend Your Vacation in a Tiny House

You’ve seen them on the internet. You might have seen them on the road. For several years now, tiny homes have been incredibly popular – understandably. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live in one? The good news is that you can rent a tiny...
Go For White – Every Time

Go For White – Every Time

At one time, travellers were taking a bit of a gamble when they booked accommodation. Unless they were heading for an opulent hotel that featured a full-colour brochure, the chances are that they didn’t see their rooms until they arrived – by which time it...
What Not to Pack

What Not to Pack

It’s so easy isn’t it? To add those just-in-case items into your suitcase. A posh dress just in case you’re invited out to an expensive restaurant, your expensive jewellery just in case your house is burgled while you’re away, your white noise...
So, You Don’t Speak the Language?

So, You Don’t Speak the Language?

Many years ago, most people would take their vacation in their home country. Often the reason for this was that international travel incited the dreaded fear of ‘the language’. Today though, travellers are far more adventurous and positively revel in going...
NYC: Where to go When You Gotta Go

NYC: Where to go When You Gotta Go

It’s summer in New York City, and you remembered your hat, your sunblock, and your water bottle. Suddenly you realize you kept so well hydrated, nature’s call cannot be ignored a minute longer. Most tourist destinations have adequate toilets, but if you...
Travelling, Hosting or at Home. Don’t Lose It, Linquet It

Travelling, Hosting or at Home. Don’t Lose It, Linquet It

At last – a solution for my husband! Sorry if that sounds a little weird but he’s a world-class loser. And I don’t mean that in a nasty way. What I do mean is that he is famous for losing important items. Car keys, the iPad, his phone … you...
Family Planning: For Your Vacation

Family Planning: For Your Vacation

Travel experts are reporting that a current trend is for families to plan their trips well in advance – sometimes even years. For couples with children, this makes a lot of sense. I don’t know about you but the first time I went abroad with my parents, I...
Airbnb Hosts: Keeping the Loo as Fresh as a Daisy

Airbnb Hosts: Keeping the Loo as Fresh as a Daisy

The subtitle of this article could be ‘The Squeamish Person’s Guide to Cleaning the Toilet’. Good hosts are pretty fanatical about cleanliness but if you asked hosts which are the worst jobs they have to do when cleaning their rentals, cleaning the...
At the End of Your Trip – Relax

At the End of Your Trip – Relax

Have you ever arrived home from a trip late on Sunday night and had to be at work at 9 am the next morning? No fun, is it? Or even if you’ve arrived home at a civilised hour, getting back into the work routine after a vacation is never easy. Do you believe that...
How Not to Mislay Your Kids on Vacation!

How Not to Mislay Your Kids on Vacation!

When we were little kids, we used to be amused by our mum’s paranoia when we were going on a family trip abroad. She used to go to see a man on the market who engraved cheap metal tags to go onto dogs’ collars. She’d have them engraved with the name...
On a Road Trip? Where to ‘Go’

On a Road Trip? Where to ‘Go’

You might call it the restroom, the loo, the toilet, the bathroom … but whatever your choice, one thing is for sure. At certain times when you are travelling you’re going to have to rely on finding public conveniences for your peeing needs. If you’re...
Airbnb: Better than a Hotel?

Airbnb: Better than a Hotel?

I have to say that as an Airbnb host, and occasional guest, I am biased. But I’m going to try to put that aside (and probably fail miserably) and discuss the pros and cons. What is better for today’s traveller? Staying in a hotel or in an Airbnb rental?...
Huntclub: Airbnb for Hunters and Fishermen

Huntclub: Airbnb for Hunters and Fishermen

Firstly, apologies to girls who fish for the title of this article – ‘fisherpersons’ might be politically correct but it sounds daft. Now that’s out of the way, I can tell you about an online service that is specifically for those of you who...
Help Local Communities When You Travel

Help Local Communities When You Travel

Did you know that by (painlessly) choosing experiences that benefit the local community means that you’ll have an even better time when you travel? The travel industry is huge but recent statistics show that for every $100 spent in a given area, only $5 of that...
Key West: Captain Tony’s and Sloppy Joe’s

Key West: Captain Tony’s and Sloppy Joe’s

For me, it has long been a tradition to have at least one shot of Jim Beam in Sloppy Joe’s in Key West whenever I’m in the town. But equally essential is a drink in Captain Tony’s Saloon just across the road. Many people visit Sloppy Joe’s...
How to Fake First Class Travel

How to Fake First Class Travel

I guess we’d all like to fly first class whenever we travel but I don’t know about you – I don’t see first class air travel being in my future. But those of us who are confined to coach, we can still try to make our flights a pleasant as...
Boatsetter: Airbnb for Boats

Boatsetter: Airbnb for Boats

If you’re on a trip and are staying close to the water, you’ll probably quickly become envious when you watch all the boats going by. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a boat of your own? Yes, but for many of us, that’s a just a dream as...
Come Back from your Trip to a Happy Home

Come Back from your Trip to a Happy Home

It’s exciting getting ready to go on a trip, the vacation itself is a thrill … and getting back home can be such a letdown, can’t it? The fun is over and now you have to get ready to get back to your everyday life. But coming home needn’t be...
Cape Town: Honest Chocolate

Cape Town: Honest Chocolate

I know that most people don’t travel to Cape Town to sample chocolate but if you’re going to be in this fabulous city then visiting the Honest Chocolate Café is a must. It has become an important part of many travellers’ itinerary thanks to its...
Monaco: Prince Rainer’s Car Collection

Monaco: Prince Rainer’s Car Collection

Prince Rainier of Monaco, who lived until 2004, was a well-known monarch. He is probably best known, in the United States in particular, for marrying American actress, Grace Kelly, in 1956. What is less known is that he was an avid collector of the finest automobiles...
Icelandic Punk Museum: In an Underground Public Toilet

Icelandic Punk Museum: In an Underground Public Toilet

Even if you don’t remember the punk movement of the seventies and eighties, if you’re visiting Reykjavík then this might be the perfect novelty museum for you to visit. And appropriately (some would say) the museum is located in a disused underground...
Spinlister: Airbnb for Bikes

Spinlister: Airbnb for Bikes

When you travel, rent a bike, surfboard, stand up paddle board or snow gear from Spinlister – which is often described as ‘Airbnb for bikes’. This is because the two companies work in very similar ways. Just as you can often find rental accommodation...
Trade your Talent for Travel Opportunities

Trade your Talent for Travel Opportunities

Wanderbrief is a comparatively new service – just over one year old at time of writing – that allows professional photographers, designers, writers and other creatives exchange their skills in exchange for travelling the world. The service, headquartered...
Restaurante Sobrino de Botín: Madrid

Restaurante Sobrino de Botín: Madrid

Restaurante Sobrino de Botín in Madrid claims to be the world’s oldest continuously operating restaurant in the world. Wikipedia, on the other hand, begs to differ and cites an older restaurant in China but really, the argument is a moot one as the Guinness Book...
Food to Take on the Plane

Food to Take on the Plane

There are so many reasons why we should want to take our own food with us when we travel by air. Perhaps the most commonly cited one is that airline food is often less than lovely. But there are other reasons too – maybe you have to follow a special diet for...
What is a Desi Pub?

What is a Desi Pub?

If you’re in England, especially in the Midlands, then it’s the ideal opportunity to visit a desi pub. For these pubs are a combination of two British traditions – and two very popular local experiences. They came about because of two factors....
What is a Babymoon?

What is a Babymoon?

Although the word isn’t a new one, it wasn’t until the early 2000s that babymoons really became popular. As with many current trends, the fashion began with  various high profile celebrities. And a babymoon is a great idea. As the name suggests the...
HotelTonight: Find Last Minute Hotel Deals

HotelTonight: Find Last Minute Hotel Deals

Some people like to plan their travel carefully. Others prefer to be more spontaneous and simply see where their travels take them and book hotels as they go. Even if you’re someone who likes to have their accommodation booked well in advance, there might still...
Road Trip Accessories: Suaoki for your Battery

Road Trip Accessories: Suaoki for your Battery

One of the strange curiosities of road trips is the way that your car battery is perfect when you’re at home but suddenly, when you’re on a road trip and right when you really don’t need problems, the battery dies on your car. Why this happens...
Would You Stay in a Hostel?

Would You Stay in a Hostel?

Years ago, I would have never considered staying in a hostel. The thought of shared bathrooms, bedrooms with bunk beds sleeping several people, noisy teenagers and. let’s face it, low-quality accommodation. But wow, how things have changed. Today I have many...
The World’s Most Romantic Destinations: Book Review

The World’s Most Romantic Destinations: Book Review

You don’t need an excuse to celebrate love. It may be that you’re planning a romantic getaway with your partner just so that the two of you can enjoy being together. Or your trip might have a romantic purpose behind it such as your destination wedding, a...
Eat Like the Locals

Eat Like the Locals

This morning I received a text from a friend who is currently in India – telling me how fantastic the food is there. (I was immediately very envious).  And experiencing local food when you travel can mean much more than just looking through the various...
Travel: Let’s Talk about Beds!

Travel: Let’s Talk about Beds!

Throughout the world beds are just beds aren’t they? Yes, unless you are travelling to a remote island where you’ll be sleeping in a hammock, you can expect to find ‘regular’ beds everywhere. There are confusions, of course. What is described...
Let Jack help you discover Dunfermline, Scotland’s ancient capital

Let Jack help you discover Dunfermline, Scotland’s ancient capital

Most tourists who come to Scotland will pay a visit to the nation’s capital city of Edinburgh but many of them won’t know that Edinburgh hasn’t always been the capital of Scotland. Drive north across the Forth Road Bridge and you will very quickly come to the Royal...
Choosing your Travel Companion

Choosing your Travel Companion

Travelling alone can be great fun. But for the single person there are times when you’d rather have someone along with you. In addition to the companionship, it is often more expensive to travel on your own and sharing expenses can reduce the cost of your trip....
Can You Afford To Travel?

Can You Afford To Travel?

Travel is good for you. It’s not just a case of recharging your batteries, it has been shown in many studies that travel is good for your health and well being. But it can be so expensive. It needn’t be. Check out the budget travel tips below. HOW TO SAVE...
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